Higher Ground

(Revelations 4:1-2) – 03 August 2017

After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, I’ll Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this


When John the beloved disciple experienced the revelations of Jesus, he was transported into another realm where he saw and heard the things of heaven. God took him into the eternal dimension, and showed him things which were to come. I really believe that John was never the same after that experience. When we encounter Jesus face to face, we are renewed, reconstructed, transformed! Life can never be the same again!

Today, the Holy Spirit invites us to higher ground. He calls us closer, to step up into the heavenly plain. There was a time when the things of God were shrouded in mystery, and it was believed to be impossible for people to access His presence or the glorious things of heaven. But Jesus tore the veil apart. (Matthew 27:51). There is nothing to stop us getting closer, if we desire to. Through the precious blood of Jesus we can enter into His presence (Hebrews 9:12), and enjoy every heavenly thing His presence brings. We have access to the glory of God, to the heavenly realm. But how do we begin to step into that higher place? By doing what John did.

  • Look and behold! I spent most of my Christian life, unaware of the parallel reality of the spiritual realm, except for some glimpses into the dark side, which may be the story of many of us. However, the more I read the Word, the more I wanted everything it talks about. The more I felt the presence of the Lord and heard His voice, the more I felt Him call me deeper. I began to look for supernatural messages, in my natural world and to expect divine dreams and visitations. I so longed for the reality of heavenly things that my heart was constantly preparing to see and recognize the �more� that God had for me. It was only a matter of time before I was aware of the awakening of my spiritual senses. When you look, you see. When you knock, the door is opened. When you seek you surely find what you are looking for, hallelujah! God has opened my eyes and ears, and taken me deeper than I ever knew I could go!
  • There is a door standing open in heaven. There is an invitation from the Lord which is issuing from the eternal realm. God invites His sons and daughters to come and sup with Him, to experience His abode and to see and know the things of heaven. He says �Come up here and see�. Know that God wants your spiritual eyes and ears to be opened. He wants you to know the eternal things that are a part of our inheritance in Jesus. Many people are wary of the spiritual realm only because they believe that it is not for them to experience, or that they cannot see these things until their lives on earth are over; but the Lord Jesus says �Come up here�. He says �Everything I have is yours. You are co-heirs with Me�! �Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.� (Ephesians 1:3). We are indeed blessed, and you and I can experience the wonder of those blessings in heavenly places because we are sons and daughters, and citizens of the heavenly realm. A door is symbolic of transition. On this side of the door is the physical realm, with all its limitations, while on the other side is the infinite amazement of Abba’s house, the heavenly realm. He is calling us through. Just say �Yes�, and taste and see, and know that His world is good!

Thousands of years ago, Jacob had a supernatural dream when he laid his head down to sleep one night in the middle of the desert. (Genesis 28). He dreamed of angels going up and down on a ladder between heaven and earth. God was showing him a new possibility, the reality that can be ours. It was a revelation that there is a constant communication and connection between heaven and the earth through the sons and daughters of God. As we go through that door into a new level in God, and as we begin to experience what heaven holds, we can become a doorway, a ladder, a channel for heaven to be released on the earth. This is our mandate and our calling � to say what Jesus said to the Father: �Let Your Kingdom come, let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.� Everything in your life can change, if you choose to accept the invitation of the Holy Spirit today and you decide to step in and see what He wants to show you.

Dear friend, all these glorious revelations were given to John when he was �in the Spirit on the Lord’s day� (Revelations 1: 10). It is clear that communing with our Lord in the language of the Spirit takes us deeper into Him and into all the heavenly revelations which we can only know through the leading of the Holy Spirit. This is because the things of the Spirit can only be discerned spiritually, and cannot be figured out with the mind or through our understanding. (1 Corinthians 2:14). Wherever you are in your walk with God, there is more for you than you have ever known before. What a prospect! There are doors within doors, wheels within wheels, and the infinite abundance of our glorious God to seek and receive! If you choose to step forward through this door of revelation trusting the blessed Holy Spirit, He will take your hand and lead you higher, and your life will never be the same again! All glory and honor to Jesus!


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