Thought Replacement Therapy!

(Psalm 19:14) 15 September 2017

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer


“My precious child, I want to remind you that I love you and that I am with you always. I am calling you this day into a higher level of thinking. I am calling your thoughts into agreement with Mine. There are things I have already decreed and established in the heavenly realms especially for you, but unless you align your thoughts with Mine and let Me guide you in the things you say, you will not see the fullness of all that is already yours. Thoughts are important because they become the basis for your words, and when words are spoken, they create. Atmospheres, careers, marriages, health, even the futures of your children they are all influenced by the power of your words. This is the power I have placed within you, because I want you to speak life into the things which are meant to prosper, and to inhibit and dissolve those things that are not. When I created the world, I spoke it forth from the depths of My heart. I called forth all the beauty I had already thought about and meditated on – colors, shades, textures, mixtures of light, of scents and sounds. It all existed in the invisible realms before it came to be. This is what happens when you focus on negativity and repeatedly speak it out it comes to be! Many of My dear children are struggling needlessly only because they anticipate evil and meditate upon it. Then, that is what they end up seeing.

Today I am calling you to partner with Me in the realm of your thoughts. I want to remind you that I hear and see all your thoughts, even the most fleeting ones, and I see the way the enemy plants live seeds within your mind which disturb and torment, and bring captivity. The more you accept and flow with it, the more you grow with it; you speak it out a few times, and then there is unwanted physical evidence for all to see! Today, I am enabling you to break free. Submit your thoughts to Me. Consecrate your mind to Me, and let Me fill it with My Word. There is so much you are waiting to see fulfilled in your life, and this will be the beginning � when you start to see. Here’s how you do it precious one. When you feel fear arising in your heart and your strength begins to fail, simply turn your thoughts to Me. Recall the prophecies, the words of life, that you have received. Speak My Word into your situation. Encourage and strengthen yourself in Me, and let My life flow through your heart and through your mouth to change the very atmosphere, and set your heart free. Let My good and powerful, heavenly thoughts replace the old ones, and let them be the ones you declare and speak. My thoughts become your thoughts and these are the words which will call forth your destiny. I call this �thought replacement therapy�!

And when the going feels like it’s getting tough My child, and you feel like you can’t do it, all you have to do is call out to Me. I am with you every moment through My Spirit. Listen to My voice within your heart and let Me break off all the fear. The world speaks death and disease, destruction and war, but if you listen to My voice, you will feel strength released within your heart. You are subject to Heaven’s order, and if you step out of agreement with the voice of the world, and align your thoughts and words to mine, you will see power and peace, and strength divine. You will see My healing and joy flowing like new wine. I am your Lord, your strength and your Redeemer, and you are truly Mine!”

The Holy Spirit with Minoli Haththotuwa


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