Chosen By The King

(John 15:16) 20 November 2017

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.


When I began to meditate on this Scripture, the Holy Spirit popped another one into my heart:

The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight.

Esther 2:17

He said to me, ‘This is what it means to be chosen’. Out of all the other young women waiting and wanting to be chosen by the powerful king Ahasuerus of Persia, Esther was chosen and she became his queen. She stepped into her new place in his heart and in his life, and she was positioned to intervene on behalf of her people, and change the course of history. This unknown young girl was chosen by the lord of the land, and in this place of favor, she bore fruit which brought blessing to many.

Dear friend, the Holy Spirit wants to remind you today that you have been sovereignly chosen by Almighty God, the King of all kings. Out of all the people in your family, in your community, or in your place of work, He placed a special mark on you. He said “She is mine, I want her. He is mine, I choose him.” He made you His, to know Him and love Him, to enjoy His favor and His grace, to receive and experience His love. He said ‘You are My chosen child. I have called you for joy and fruitfulness, in your own life and in the lives of those you touch. Step into your place in My heart and receive My love. I have appointed you and anointed you for such a time as this. Fruitfulness is what you will see when you live your life in Me.’

Think about it for a moment: The mighty Creator God, Lord over everything, the Name above all names has set His eye on you. You have captured His heart! There is something so powerful and special about knowing you were chosen. It reveals the intentionality of God’s heart, and that He knew you and loved you eternally, long before you were even born, and planned to make you His own. He saw you, He always knew you! He hears you and sees your heart, and He chose you to be His own. God loves you and wants to see you flourish and bear good fruit. He calls you a tree of life, a river of living waters. He trusts you and has empowered you to release the things of heaven wherever you are, hallelujah! God is calling you deeper today, deeper into His love and into His life. The deeper you abide in Him, the more you will see the fulfillment of your prayers, (John 15:7) not only in your own life but also as you pray and call forth breakthroughs in the lives of others. You are stepping into a season of great fruitfulness. Wherever you go, you will bear fruit, and it shall be lasting fruit, results which will continue to be seen for generations to come, because they are issuing forth from the Spirit and not from the flesh, hallelujah!

Dear friend, you have a position of great favor with the King! You have access to His inner chamber through the precious blood of Jesus. You can reach His heart any time through the doors of worship and praise. He loves you as He loves Jesus (John 17:23). He hears every prayer you pray, and answers them. He has made it easy to bear fruit and to see victory in your life, simply by yielding to the awesomeness of being the King’s chosen, and by staying in this place, abiding in His Son (John 15:4). ‘I have chosen you and made you mine. Now stay abiding in the Vine. If you daily choose Me as I chose you, then nothing can ever separate you from the fire of My living, breathing love.’


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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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