The Secret Place

| Psalm 91:1 & 2 – February 26 2018 |

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.   I will say of the  Lord , “He is  my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.


There is a place for us, a place we can run to and hide within the deep embrace of the Lord Most High. It is an impenetrable fortress in which we are completely safe and secure. It is a high place, the highest place we could ever climb to, far above every storm. It is a haven which no darkness can touch, and no sadness can disturb. We are talking about the secret place of the Most High, and the Most High Himself calls us to come up high and sup with Him. With arms open wide, He invites us into deeper intimacy and into a life of truly abiding in Him. “Our love has to be more than a visitation, precious one. I invite you to live and move and breathe in Me. I want to be your Holy Habitation. I want you to step into the depths of Me. I am your refuge, your calm place in the storm. I am the shatterproof house you can abide in, the tall tower in which you are completely free.”

Dear friend, there is a place that the enemy cannot reach, a place he cannot even see. When you and I are hidden in the mighty presence of God, we are invisible to the enemy. It truly is a “secret place” which we enter through worship, and by the blood of the Lamb. No darkness can enter in. In our High Tower, we are unshakeable and unbreakable. We receive our strength and power from Jesus who makes us unbeatable, unstoppable, uncroppable! It is all about intimacy with Him, and abiding in the shadow of His presence. The closer we are to Him, the more we can rest in His shadow and be immersed in the glory of who He is. While worship is the way into the Secret Place, “abiding”is the art of staying there , through the pursuit of relationship with the Holy Spirit every day. He beckons us deeper in.

There are two things we can take from these few verses of Scripture, which can be keys to our walk with God.

•  Choose to confess who God is to you. The psalmist confesses that God is his “refuge” and his “fortress”. God is indeed our protector and the Place where we can hide, but something happens when we begin to verbally confess who He is to us. We call into our world the reality of who God is, and we begin to see those attributes fulfilled over and over again in our lives, almost like the Holy Spirit “proves” to us that God is who we believe Him to be. It could be that you have often felt unsafe and unprotected, possibly because of traumatic events in the past. Start confessing that Abba is your refuge and your fortress, and see how things begin to change. You will begin to feel such a strong sense of the presence of the Protector, and the safety that He brings. You will know a new sense of security, and the powerful peace that comes from being surrounded by His heavenly grace. He is the glorious, ever victorious, invincible, omnipotent, mountain-moving El Shaddai who absolutely adores you, and holds you in the secret, most high place of His holy presence. He is our refuge and our fortress. He is our amazing God!

•  Declare your trust in God. Doubt is put to flight when we begin to say “I trust You God”. Every time we declare our trust in Him (and to Him), He releases faith and peace into our hearts. We begin to see the deep and infallible “trustworthiness” of our Lord Yahweh. Every time we confess our faith in God, the enemy hears and cringes because he becomes smaller in our lives as God is magnified! We may have failed our Father many times but He never lets us down. He fulfils our trust in Him time and again. The more we express our trust in Him, the stronger our faith grows, and the more we will see God coming through in every area of need. God is faithful and He always keeps His Word. He is our God in whom we can trust!

There is a safe refuge you can step into through an open door that is just a breath away. Close your eyes, breathe deeply in, worship Jesus and you will step right in! The precious Holy Spirit is waiting to draw you deep within. You are safe, you are strong, you are fully covered in the high place of His everlasting love!


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Worship night!

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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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