Covenant Promise

| Psalm 91:14 – 9 May 2018 |

his is a divine promise that is activated by love! God’s love is real and powerful, and most of us do feel and acknowledge His love in our lives and in the world around us. While everything in the Kingdom is based on God’s love, we have here a promise of help and protection which is about God’s response to our love . There are so many aspects of spiritual warfare, and we may get focused on specific prayers, scriptures, techniques, etc, when there is pure power in loving God! It is true that God loved us first, (1 John 4:19) but receiving Him and loving Him back brings us into covenant with Him. It covers us, and sets us on higher ground. God helps all who turn to Him in their need, but in these verses, He is making a specific promise to those who have chosen to love and honor Him. He is not saying “I will help you because you are righteous” or “I will come to your aid because of the many hours you prayed this week”. He is promising to deliver the ones who have chosen to “set” their love “upon” Him; sons and daughters who have made a choice for Jesus, who have decided to follow Him and live in Him regardless of any consequences; people who have decided to build their lives upon the solid Rock of Jesus, our firm foundation. These are the precious Blood bought children of light, who have fixed their eyes on Jesus and said “I want You, I can’t live without You, I choose to live my life for you. I choose You and I will not be shaken!”

These promises are based on the Covenant love between Jesus and His Bride, the ones who have “set” their love upon Him. Note that when we “set” our love upon Jesus, He “sets” us on “high”, right beside Him, close to His heart! Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment when He said “You shall love the L ord  your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and  your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27). God is so amazing and beautiful, and we cannot help but love Him when we begin to know Him and experience His love. However, some precious people may have difficulties relating to God and loving Him, only because of things that have happened in their lives in the past, and the wounds they have sustained from people they trusted, especially religious and/or authority figures in their lives. Hear what Abba has to say to you today:

“My precious one, I promise I will never let you down. I promise to love you and be with you every moment of your life, for better or worse. I will never leave you or forsake you. If you choose to place your heart in My hands, I promise to hold it with honor and with love and to open your eyes to who you really are, the beautiful blood bought Bride worth dying for! I want to take you higher because that is where you belong, right by My side, a cherished, treasured part of Me. I am healing your heart of the wounds of the past. I am removing a cycle of disappointment and negative expectation. If you choose to trust Me, I am drawing you into the power of My love, into the center of My heart, into the fortress of My name. I am the Father of the fatherless, the Husband of the lonely. You will never ever have to fear again. I am with you, I will sustain you, I will guide you and teach you, and show you the way you should go. I will reveal Myself to you more than ever before. I want to fill your life. I want to rock your world. I want to show you what it means to live within the physical and spiritual power of My name. Just place your hand in mine today, and you will start a whole new journey . Your life will never be the same!”Dear friend, Almighty El Shaddai is promising to help us, and to deliver us from every oppression of the enemy, from every attack or back lash or satanic assignment. Not only does He get us out of trouble, but then He sets us “high” where we truly belong, far above the snake line, looking down on the antics of the enemy. He promises to deliver us from every “snare of the fowler” and from every “perilous pestilence” (Psalm 91:3). Draw near to Him today, seek Him and find Him, receive His love. You cannot help but fall in love!!


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.