I Will Lift Up My Eyes

| Psalm 121:1 & 2 – 23 May 2018 |

I will lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.


I was sitting outdoors a few days ago, in fellowship with the Lord, and talking to Him about a current situation. I leaned back in my chair and looked up at the sky, and there was a beautiful formation of white clouds just above me. As I continued to look, it seemed like the clouds were getting bigger, and moving closer to me with every second! I felt the voice of the Lord in my heart. “Whatever you focus on is magnified and drawn closer to you”!

If you have been going through a challenging time in your life, this message is especially for you! Jesus is drawing our eyes back upon Him, the Highest Place. He is our source of strength, our help in this time of need. As I began to type these first two verses of Psalm 121 very fast, I missed out the “e” in “eyes”, and it made me smile when I saw that it made a “yes”! Focusing on the problem, magnifies it, and makes it ever present before my face, but setting my eyes on Jesus draws me back to my “yes” and “amen”. It reconnects me to my source of life and power, the One who came to set every captive free. He is Lord – the heavenly solution for every challenge!

The eye is the lamp of the body. “If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness” (Matthew 6:22 & 23). In other words, whatever we focus on fills us. Whatever comes into us through the “eye gate” affects and influences us. If I need to experience healing, then I need to be filling myself up with Jesus by reading Scriptures on healing, testimonies, etc. It is the same if I am expecting a victory in some other area of my life. I need to feed and fill myself with the Light. God has a perfect, tailor made breakthrough for each of us. As we focus on our “Yes” and “Amen” He changes us, fills us with faith, and we begin to believe that He makes all things possible. (“For all the promises of God in Him  are  Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us”, 2 Corinthians 1:20). Jesus is the glorious author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2).

will lift my eyes to the Hills With every situation in our lives, we are faced with a choice. In a matter of seconds, we decide (sometimes unconsciously) whether we are going to respond God’s way, or our way. When we jump into our own solution, we take our eyes off the omnipotent One who is our strength and inspiration. We may settle for “good” when He has the “best” for us. Many of us, God’s precious blood bought sons and daughters have grown up trusting the arm of flesh, rather than the hand of the Lord. It becomes a way of life, to trust in ourselves and our wisdom rather than to run to Him as our first port of call. Bill Johnson refers to this as “practical Atheism”! I am learning to pause and turn to Him in every situation. Just a few minutes of connection and praying in Tongues can make a world of a difference – manifesting His world (instead of this world) in the daily situations of our lives. Some of us may have struggled with the same battles for many years because we are fighting our way, instead of in Yahweh! Today He reminds us that we are free to choose, but do you choose to lift your eyes to Him?

He made heaven and earth. David reminds himself that this is Almighty Elohim God who created the heavens and the earth, the One who fashioned these very mountains he is focusing on, and flung the stars into space. There is nothing impossible with Him! If He called forth the world out of nothing, then David knows his battle is already won! He knows that whatever God will do is going to be a million times better than anything he could. Our God is mighty, and we need to focus on the hugeness and power of who He is. Instead of thinking about and talking about the problem, we can tell the problem about our powerful God! It is time for Abba’s kids to stop being impressed by the cheap illusions and tricks of the devil, and to start seeing the omnipotent power of our glorious creator God with whom all things are possible.

Dear friend, our Abba loves when we lift up our eyes to Him because it is an expression of our trust in Him. It is an act of humility and yieldedness, and of submission to God. It is an understanding that He is so much greater than we are, and an acknowledgement that we do not have all the answers in our hands. Whatever you have been going through, the answer lies in Him, and if you yield it all to Him today, you will see your breakthrough manifesting in a wonderful way. “Look to Me, My precious child, and give it all to Me. I have so much more released for you, and overflowing from the heart of Me. If you lift your eyes and fix them firmly on Me, you will begin to see Heaven’s power, and the unfolding of your heavenly destiny. Your faith will grow and you will know there’s no limit to the glorious grace poured out for you in eternity. Take your eyes off the things of the past, beloved, and all the present challenges, and you will begin to see beyond them to the eternal realm that is yours to last. As you lift your eyes to Me, you will begin to see, and I have new lenses for you – the lenses of sonship and new Identity!”


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