Good things Coming Forth!

| Luke 1:30-3105 December 2018 |

And she will bring forth a Son and you shall call His name Jesus for He will save His people from their sins. So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us. 


There are good things coming forth! Precious, heavenly, eternal things are being released into the lives of all those whose hearts are open to the goodness of God. It is a season of favor, of breakthrough blessing, a season of transition from the old to the new! Dear friend, receive this Word from the Holy Spirit today and experience the fullness of God’s joyful heart for you.

When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, she was shocked and very fearful, because this encounter was beyond her daily experience, and so unexpectedly and suddenly supernatural. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God.” Mary may have thought she was an unknown young girl from an unknown family in an unknown place, but she found out that day that she was known by God and on His heart! She could barely understand this, but she was being told that God’s favor was upon her! She was probably thinking “how??”! Just the way we unconsciously wonder what we did to deserve some bad situation, we may (unconsciously) attribute some awesome blessing to something good we may have done. This could be what Mary’s mindset was, and she may have been wondering how she could have possibly earned this gracious Word from God brought by a heavenly visitor! There is a reason why many of us live with different levels of fear in our lives, and it is because we have not had a revelation of God’s favor. His favor is His approval, His special expression of love, His grace on what we do. It is His permission to come closer, His grace to ask for anything. It is living in the warmth of our Father’s smile!

God’s favor is not dependent on anything we could ever do. When we step into our sonship, we step into everything God accords Jesus, we become His favored ones, His favored sons! Fear and insecurity begins to leave because we begin to realize that everything we did to earn a bad result has truly ceased to exist. All the subconscious accusation and condemnation we have felt begins to be exposed and cleansed with the precious blood of Jesus as we acknowledge that it is not about us but all about what He has done. We begin to realize that we are not being set up for a punishment, but we are recipients of God’s great love! We are now “in” – sons and daughters of the King. The Father sees us just the way He sees Jesus – it is such incredibly amazing good news! It is the favor of a good Father on His kids – His radical, unimaginable grace!

The angel Gabriel told Mary to “behold”, because he wanted to draw her attention to the reality and the certainty of what was happening. He wanted her to connect to the Word and take hold of it. It was already done in the heavenly realm and it was beginning to manifest into the physical. The Holy Spirit says the same to you today. Behold it! Take a deep breath, focus on Jesus, and visualize that breakthrough blessing you have been wanting to see happen in your life. Be-hold it. See it in your heart and take hold of that vision. Believe it, expect it and call it forth to manifestation. There is fruit coming forth from places in your life where you had given up hope. Hallelujah!

Some of us have not felt free to ask God for His blessing on their lives because they felt they did not deserve it, but God wants you to know that you do – simply because of what Jesus has done for you! Jesus has already paid your way to the beautiful, heavenly fruitfulness that is waiting to be received today. God has heard your prayers, dear friend. He has seen your tears. He has such good plans for you, and they are coming forth with fruit! Today the barrenness you have been facing comes to an end, and you will see the beginnings of new divine fruit in your life. Even as the angel said to Mary, the Holy Spirit says to you today “behold you will conceive and bring forth fruit”! There are seeds that were released into your spiritual womb in the past which are coming to life as you read this, and as you pray: “I renounce the lies of fear in Jesus’ name. I reject all guilt and shame, all accusation and blame, all condemnation. I choose to receive my Father’s favor. I choose to bear fruit and bring glory to His name.” You are His chosen, cherished, treasured child, glowing with the holiness and righteousness of Jesus, a new creature in Christ. You are living in the warmth of your Daddy’s smile! You have been placed where you are for this season and time. Begin to expect God’s best.


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.