Spirit Of Life

| Romans 8:11 – 07 March 2019 |

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.


What heavenly power abides in you, dear sons and daughters of the most High! The mighty Holy Spirit of God, the One who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you and me! He is the Spirit of Life, and He has come to give us the fullness of heavenly life. Today the Holy Spirit reminds the sons & daughters of God that He is in us, and that His beautiful zoe life within us has broken the power of death. There is a River that is arising from the depths of our being, overflowing into every cell. It is heaven’s river of healing, and it flows from the heart of the Father, from His glorious throne. It stands to reason that if we are filled with the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the grave, every cell in our body becomes new and begins to really live. Dear friend, there is a breakthrough waiting to happen in your life! The moment you begin to acknowledge the might of God’s presence within you, and you start to agree with His kind intentions towards you, a reset begins to happen from the very deepest core of your being. The more you allow yourself to yield to the Holy Spirit and connect to the reality of His living power inside you, the more you will experience the life transforming power of His presence. I am declaring right now that your blood is responding to the power of the Holy Spirit, and every part of you is receiving His touch, flowing through your veins. The lies of the enemy are being broken off you, things you have believed about yourself and your health. There is resurrection power inside you, the voice of God speaking through you, saying “I have chosen you, I have appointed you. I am the Resurrection and the Life, and My Spirit is within you to set you free. Agree with Me and receive”!

Yes, we are human, and our bodies may be ‘mortal’ and prone to the issues of this life, but when we get filled with the Holy Spirit, we receive the supernatural power of heaven. Every cell and tissue receives the potential for healing and transformation. Every organ starts to come alive to God’s resurrection power. Pain and infirmity, degeneration and limitation are put on notice, and every oppression has to pack its bags and go! There are times we may not be receiving the goodness of God’s zoe life, because we have believed the “bad news” more than the “good news” that His presence can set us free. Fear of an infirmity worsening or occurring has stopped us seeing the Truth of God in us. Or we may be believing in our earthly mortality more than in His heavenly immortality. However, the truth is that the blessed Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from death is in you, and He is here to stay. Things are only going to get better, because there is now a River of life flowing into and through you. He is the Spirit of might (Isaiah 11:2), the Spirit of power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). His light has begun to penetrate every part of your body and your mind so that even depression is put to flight. We have settled for less than the best, when Jesus died and took every oppression and infirmity upon His body so that we could live in the power of His resurrection. There is resurrection power available to each of us, through the mighty Holy Spirit who is living in us, and He is looking to resurrect you!Paul writes to the Roman church in this Scripture saying If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you”. All this amazing breakthrough power is available to each of us, but we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of resurrection. Jesus said to His disciples (including you and me) “Be filled with the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). The Holy Spirit fills us and empowers us to live each day in victory. “Precious Holy Spirit, I open my heart and life to you. I invite You to come and fill each part of me with your Resurrection power. I choose to agree with You and everything God has for me. I want You and the resurrection life, which Jesus already paid for. I yield to You this day, in Jesus’ mighty name, amen”.


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