Enjoying The Journey!

| James 1:4 – 17 May 2019 |

But let patience have  its  perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.


The Seasons of waiting have always been hard for me but I am learning that there is something powerful happening every time I have to wait. Patience is having its perfect work! When something seems to be delayed, or our plans seem to be hindered, we naturally start to work to overcome the hindrances and to find ways to make things happen. When our plans are not coming to fruition, it could be either because they are our plans (and not the Lord’s), or that God’s perfect time for its fulfillment is different to ours. You may be in a season of waiting right now. Perhaps you have been waiting for a long time. The Holy Spirit says to you “let patience have its perfect work”. There is something beautiful happening within your heart if you yield to the moving of the Spirit and trust God to work this out in His way. The book of Genesis talks of seed time and harvest and I like to think of it as seed, time, harvest. While everything can be accelerated in the Kairos realm, there is a certain time of waiting, a gestation of the seeds which have been planted. This is true of everything in life, although times to fruition will vary. Even the Word has to be planted within the depths of your heart and has to take root before you begin to see the strong trees of faith, love and power being manifested, and changes happening in your life and world. Many people start out strong in their walk with God but they give up and disengage from Him just when things are about to happen in their lives, because of disappointments. We tend to expect an instant transformation in our situations, when God is doing great things beneath the surface, and establishing unshakeable foundations for a lasting work within us.

Today the Holy Spirit says to you “My precious one, it is good to keep your eyes upon the goal and to walk towards your destination, but I am inviting you to begin to savor this journey. Take this season to get to know Me, to learn to hear the softest whisper of My voice, and to tune in and speak to Me. I am building a rock solid foundation within the depths of you and filling you with supernatural strength. I am pouring into you My wisdom and revelation, and teaching you to discern and see. You are experiencing the fruit of patience as you let Me have My perfect way in you. You are in a holding place. You are held within My hands and strong within My heart. You are heading for a higher place because you choose to journey there with Me. Patience will have its perfect work if you let go and simply trust Me”.

Waiting can be a ‘valley season’ where you may feel like you are less or lower than where you are meant to be. However, remember that valleys are finite spaces between mountains. You may be currently walking through this valley, but you will soon be climbing high again. Yes, you are so much more than what you are seeing (or doing) but you are heading for a better place. Is it possible to enjoy this journey, dear friend, whatever it appears to be for you? This is a season to take time to be still and to simply know that Yahweh is God and that you are His. Nothing happening right now is a surprise to Him. He is the source and fount of all knowledge and wisdom, and He knew you before the foundations of the world. Every solution you need is in His mighty hands, for your life, your family, your place of work, your nation. You don’t have to beg or plead for answers because He only has good plans and good thoughts towards you (Jeremiah 29:11) and He is working everything out (even the ‘bad’ things) for your absolute good. Jesus already paid with His own blood, the highest price possible, for the abundance of His goodness to be released to you. He became poor so that you would become rich. He became sickness so that you could enjoy a life that is whole. He became sin so that you could become the righteousness of God in Christ. If He did all this for you, let there be no doubt in your mind that He is taking you on to higher ground and establishing you in victory. Hallelujah! Patience is indeed having its perfect work in you if you choose to take God at His Word and trust in Him. Ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5) for this journey, and He will give it to you generously. Just take a moment to lift your hands and heart to Almighty God and acknowledge your place in His heart through the blood of Jesus. Confess your faith in Him, and the fact that you trust Him to work things out. Things are breaking open for you in the heavenly realms. Angels are being assigned to bring to fruition God’s agenda in your life. You may feel like this ride is happening too slowly but there is transformation coming, so sit back and enjoy the ride. There are miracles beginning to unfold around you, and there is something beautiful happening inside!


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Worship night!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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