My Help Comes From The Lord

| Psalm 121:1 & 2 – October 23 2019 |

I will lift up my eyes to the hills – from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.


Hallelujah – this is good news! Many of us are going through challenging times and this word is especially for you. Perhaps you have been feeling tired just trying to figure things out and overcome your problems, but God is reminding you that you can look to Him. Many people believe that they cannot impose on God, or that their issues are not (in their view) big enough or serious enough to warrant His intervention and attention. There are others who seem to believe that their problems or challenges cannot be solved because doctors or bankers or family members have told them so, or because they have been struggling with the problem for so long.

Friend, Yahweh God is telling us something different. When we lift up our eyes to Him, it is the first step towards a beautiful breakthrough! It is an acknowledgement that God is greater and higher, and above every situation we could ever face. He is the name above every name! We can look to the high places in which He rests and know that the Mighty One who created the vastness of the heavens and the earth loves us so tenderly and wants to lift us up victoriously over every situation. The psalmist mentions the fact that the Lord is the maker of heaven and earth because it is an acknowledgement of the fact that God is so unfathomably huge and complex, and able to create form out of frenzy, calm out of confusion, and a beautiful, colorful, glorious world out of absolutely nothing. He is the God of the impossible. He delights in doing miracles for those who believe He can and will! He is longing to break into the lives of His sons and daughters, and to see them walk in victory, but there are thousands of people who struggle through life, gritting their teeth and trying to make it on their own. Others believe that God will give them grace to “make it through the night” but cannot see that He wants to bring them supernatural solutions and fill their lives with light.

When we go through rough times, we can get so caught up with thinking and talking about the issues every waking moment, until it becomes something really huge to us and ever before our eyes. God is telling us to take our eyes off the problem and on to Him. This takes a conscious act of the will, to deliberately seek God through worship and the Word, through praying in Tongues, and getting in the Spirit. This enables us to truly lift our eyes up to Him and to see His greatness, and power and majesty. This enables us to step out of fear and into the realm of faith. Our precious Lord Jesus laid down His life that we might live in power and victory. He already overcame on our behalf! If you lift up your eyes to Him today and surrender it all to Him, there is a new power, and a spirit of breakthrough beginning to manifest in every area of your life. I see road blocks being moved out of your way; I see confusion, lies and enemy activity falling to the ground. I see the Holy Spirit blocking & nullifying every weapon that was formed against you, and every tongue that rose up against you. God Himself is vindicating you and bringing justice, because you lifted up your eyes and heart to Him. It is breakthrough time, hallelujah!Dear friend, our help ultimately comes from God and Him alone, although you may see it manifest in different ways. You and I are in a much better, more powerful position than the psalmists of the Old Testament because we have the Holy Helper Himself living in us. Jesus said to His disciples (John 14:16) “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.”He said in the same verse: “You know Him for He dwells with you and will be in you.” This is one of many different Scriptures about the Helper, the Holy Spirit. He constantly draws our eyes to God and brings us into our breakthrough when we trust Him and let Him move on our behalf. Are you willing to let the Helper help you? His way is the Higher way. Whatever you have been facing, it is time to let go and let God. It is time to acknowledge that you cannot make it happen in your own strength. Just lift up your eyes to Him, the Creator of the universe. Almighty El Shaddai can make it happen. Our help comes from Him, the Creator of everything!


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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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