Victory Through Intimacy (Revelations 22:1)

“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.” (NKJV)

There is a river that flows from the depths of God’s heart.  It is a holy, fiery river of love, that baptizes the Bride and sets her apart.  It carries His voice, it carries His power; it calls the Bride into her destiny and purpose, opens her eyes to discern this hour.  This is His river of the most perfect love. It breaks every fear, destroys addictions and infirmities, and realigns our thoughts with His to make us strong, victorious, powerful life bringing forces in this world.

“My precious love, this is a season for victory through intimacy with Me.  Have you ever thought about how easy your battles could be, if we just rested together and then you faced the enemy? You were born for greatness, born to win – simply through intimacy with Me.  If you could come away daily and be immersed in Me, I will guide you and teach you, and take you towards your destiny. My beloved ones are hurting, and struggling to live, when there is so much of power and love in Me to give. Yield to My River and let Me be your turbo-charging power for all eternity!”

It should be so easy to jump into the river of God’s love, and yield to His Spirit but for many of us, it is easier to try to work things out and “do” what needs to be done, rather than to quieten our hearts and rest in Him and hear Him speak.  The Word of God shows us two ways to live and worship. We see one way in Ezekiel 1:1, where the exiled people of God were sitting beside the river and thinking wistfully about the days gone by, and their homeland. The Holy Spirit may be moving mightily where we are, but we sit on the side lines and observe what is happening, without ever jumping in. We acknowledge His power and talk about Him, but we never really encounter Him for ourselves. We see another way in Ezekiel chapter 47, where the prophet encounters a heavenly vision and sees the temple begin to fill with water. It seemed to be a stream which was ankle deep, but as he waded through the water, it got deeper and deeper until he was out of his depth, and he had to swim to cross over to the other side.  This is how God wants us to live, in the center of His heart, in the fullness of His Spirit, saying “yes” to His voice and going deeper than we have ever gone before.

Friend, there is so much more than you and I have ever known!  If we hunger and thirst, we will surely be filled, and God will take us into depths of new discovery.  But the River flows from His throne, from His home, and it has to happen on His terms, in the way He chooses to flow.  It brings a realm of revelation and love that only comes from intimacy.  Ezekiel 47 tells us that the river was teeming with life, and filled with healing power. Its banks were filled with fruit and leaves of different kinds, which were good for food and healing. The waters were waters of life, and every place they flowed to began to live!  Revelations 22 shows us a similar picture, where the River flows from God’s throne and makes the land fruitful, with trees bearing fruit to bring healing to the nations.  Everything you could ever need is meant to come forth from the presence of Almighty Yahweh.  The deeper you come into His flow, the deeper will be the breakthrough that you know.  It is a pure River – the blessed Holy Spirit; crystal clear – for cleansing, for revelation, bringing light into every darkness.  We cannot sit on the side lines any more dear friend. The blood of Jesus opened the way for us to jump into the depths of the River today.  Are you ready for the depths of His heart? Are you ready to live a life consumed by His passion for you, His Bride?  Are you willing to lay down your life, and dive into the power of His endless life?  If you say “yes” to the Bridegroom Prince today, your life will take on a completely different flavor! He is taking you into an entirely different dimension, into a place of His power, His love, and His sound mind – hallelujah!  It is a season of victory through intimacy, a time to see new and mighty aspects of glory.  May you be healed in every part – in your body and in your heart.  May you be renewed and sealed by the River of the Holy Spirit.  May you get immersed in the fiery love of our fiery God and never be the same again.  “Spirit of God, flow into every part of this temple.  Let the River rise up more each day. Please take me deeper every day and have Your way – in Jesus’ mighty name, amen!”

Minoli Haththotuwa, 18 November 2019


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.