There’s A New Thing Happening! (Rev 4:4-5)

“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” (NKJV)

It is a time of transition, a shift in seasons. In the physical realm, we see Winter looking to linger and trying to stay, but Spring keeps bouncing in with warm spells and happy sunshine, and after a little tug ‘o’ war, Winter has to finally concede and leave. It is a similar situation in the spiritual realm. God has already decreed and released the “new” for us, and He is constantly calling us higher (Revelations 4:1). He opens up the realms of mystery and beckons us in to see things from His vantage point. But sometimes we prefer not to see. There are new revelations, new truths, a whole new experience He has for us, but not everyone wants to step up into that place. We are often so focused on the familiar thing, that we cannot even see the dawning of a new day before us. That comfortable discomfort can seem “safer” than the unseen and unknown!

Some years ago, we replaced all the doors and windows in our home, and a few days ago, I was surprised to discover that I didn’t have the key to the new front door in my purse and couldn’t get into the house! The Holy Spirit spoke to me and showed me that there are new keys which open new doors into new levels and new realms in the spirit. If we keep doing what we did yesterday, we cannot expect a different outcome. Yesterday’s keys are for yesterday’s house, yesterday’s level. To access the deeper things of God, there are different keys we need to use, different protocols to enter in. Are you ready for the new? Do you desire the “more” God has for you? Then let the Holy Spirit show you what you need for this new season of your life, and how to access what God has already set in store.

The above Scripture from the book of Revelations is generally seen as a futuristic Word about a time to come but today it speaks to us in a different way. There is newness awaiting each of us, a season of light and joy, but only if we are willing to receive Abba’s healing grace into our hearts and lives; only if we can stop focusing on the pain of the past, on the difficulties, the losses, the deaths and griefs of yesterday, even the painful things going on in the world around us. There is a new thing being birthed out of everything we see. A dying that brings forth new life. Winter gives in to Spring, and death gives way to tender green life that begins to spring up from within.

Jesus drew a line in the sand. He separated us from the “old” and has catapulted us into the “new”. He has made it possible for us to disconnect from the tired old walk of yesterday, and to step into something totally new. In Isaiah 43:18 & 19, the prophet said to the people (on behalf of God): “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?” The more we keep looking at the past, the less likely we are to see the manifestation of the “new thing”; the more we focus on yesterday, the more likely it is that we will only see the same old result coming forth and manifesting in our lives. The Holy Spirit is reminding us to begin to “see” that new thing we are looking for. Imagine it, picture it happening before you. Rehearse the awesome warmth and joy of seeing that final desired outcome, and then you will recognize it and welcome it when it actually happens. Your whole body and soul will be primed, ready to receive what God has brought to you! It is as you look away from the failures and the disappointments of the past and you look ahead into that perfect potential of God that you will see the little green shoots of greatness coming forth out of the dry, hard “wintered” earth. As Isaiah 43:19 says in the New International Version “Now you will see it spring up, do you not perceive it!”

Dear friend, there is a season of miraculous breakthroughs awaiting you. Isaiah writes in Chapter 43:19 “I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”. This is the supernatural working of God, making happen what you might have thought was impossible in your life. The new thing is breaking open from out of the old. Open your heart, open your eyes and see! The hand of God is upon you, and His mighty power is making all things new!

Minoli Haththotuwa, 11 March 2022


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.