All Things New

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”

I was walking through the woods near my home when I suddenly heard the Holy Spirit say “Are you ready?” I responded “yes”. In a flash, I heard: “How ready?” and I had to stop and think. How ready am I? And how can I get myself ready? Am I ready to jump when He says “jump”? Am I able to mobilize at a moment’s notice? What should my heart attitude be? The Holy Spirit is asking you the same question today. Are you ready for the new thing God is doing? And how ready are you? How is your heart positioned to step into the new?

Friend, God is in the business of making things new, and this is the story of our walk with Jesus from the very first moment we connect with Him! That’s why Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that we become a “new creation” when we come into a life in Christ. It is all about the “now” and the “new” and we are not meant to hold on to the things of the past. His mercies are “new” every morning, and each day is a fresh chance to connect to His goodness, His newness, and to write a new story. God is inviting us to see each present moment as a gift from Him, and to live in the “nowness” of Eternity. He gives us the opportunity to live in the “newness” and the “nowness” of the Christ life every day. It is an open door to new beginnings and a doorway of transition from “old” to “new” on a regular basis, because each moment becomes “old” when it has passed us by! He is inviting us to be “born again” again; and again, and again!

Many people see their daily lives (including their relationship with Jesus) as a blue print set in stone, an unchangeable, repeating pattern that moves on continually – morning, evening; breakfast, lunch, dinner; go to work, come back again; go to bed, and start the whole cycle again the next morning. No time to stop and smell the roses, to see the divine messages engraved in the clouds, to read the talking patterns in the stars, and to hear the birds calling you as you step into your day. We were never meant to get “stale” and lose the “freshness” of our divine connection. We were never intended to fall into set patterns which get ingrained into our very DNA, and cause us to be weary and jaded with life, accepting whatever “happens” to come our way. It is not the Father’s heart that we should get weak and worn out, or that we should fall into a tired routine in our relationship with Him. In fact, we are meant to go from glory to glory, and from strength to strength, “morphing” more into that powerful new creation reality every day!

So how do we position our hearts for the “new”? Firstly, by letting go of the “old”. This is what God says to the people through the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 43:18 & 19. “Forget the former things and do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” The past is over and gone, but we keep old things alive by focusing on an old way of doing things or by following religious patterns which settle into everything we do in our lives. Instead, we are told to stop dwelling in the memories of past defeats (or even successes), or the ways we did things in the past. This applies to the very deepest recesses of our hearts and minds, and how we see, hear, and interpret God. Most of the time, we keep doing something in the same old way simply because it was the way we were taught how to. Then we teach others how to do it, and those people teach other people to do it that way, and the story (and the cycle) goes on!

God is calling us to begin to behold that living vision within our hearts, and to focus on it and pray it forth, until we start to see it with our physical eyes. Once we begin to behold it in our hearts, the manifestation of it is very imminent, and that is why we are meant to be in anticipation and expectation as God says “Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” He is “making a roadway in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Your breakthrough is beginning to manifest as you see it. The “new” is starting to break through!

In the scripture above, we read “He who sat on the throne said “Behold I make all things new”.” I choose to give Jesus the primary place in my life, the throne of my heart. I choose to worship and adore Him as my Lover & my Lord. When He is given the dominion, the rulership in any place, He is free to move any way He wants. He is able to sit on the throne and say to us: “Hey guys, I am making all things new. Look at any and every part of your life and know that I look at it and say “it’s starting to look a lot like Me”! I am making everything new”

Friend, stop being weary and dreary; you’re too young to feel tired and bleary! Release your heart and life to Jesus! Let Him take over and make everything new. He is making it all a beautiful new adventure, a colorful surprise for you!

Minoli Haththotuwa, 21 September 2022


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Enjoy the holiday weekend and we’ll see you in June!

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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.