Joy In The Morning (Psalm 30:5b)

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (NKJV)

The spiritual realm in all its glory is so vast that we have only scratched its surface. There is so much more for each of us to know, including realms of heavenly joy we have still not seen because we have never really sought them.

Life is a tapestry of diverse colors and designs brought forth by choices and decisions made by successive generations.  It is a varied and undulating path of up and down, awesome and “un-fun”, good and not-so-good. There are times of great joy but also very real times of grief and loss. If you have been experiencing a challenging time, know that you are walking through it into a different season. Weeping is meant to be followed by seasons of joy. Darkness is always followed by light. Times of loss move on to be replaced by restoration and gain. Seed time is always meant to be followed by harvest.

Psalm 30 verse 5 reads as follows: “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.” The psalmist says “weeping remains for a night but joy…” as though to say that however bleak and challenging our circumstances seem, there is always that realm of joy waiting backstage, just about to appear!

What would it look like if we started to consciously seek joy in the midst of pain? What if we chose to partner with joy even while we are being carried along by a time of defeat? Not only would we start to feel so much more empowered, so much better, but perhaps we would see our breakthrough that much sooner, because I am very sure that all miracles come forth from the realms of joy. Even Jesus went towards the cross seeing and knowing that beyond the suffering and pain He would have to face was an unspeakable, glorious joy awaiting Him (“The joy that was set before Him” – Hebrews 12:2). And why does Psalm 30 say that weeping remained for the night but joy comes in the morning? The morning is a time of new beginnings, of fresh hope. It is a fresh page, another chance to live for Jesus, to make good decisions, to disconnect from the mistakes of the past and start again. I wake up most mornings thinking I am new, and feeling like I am born again – again! Each morning you can set the course of your own day by filling up with the Word and with Holy Spirit, and/or spending some time in worship, inviting “Godness” and goodness into your day, your week, your work, your play.

Psalm 110:3 (NKJV) says “In the beauty of holiness, from the womb of the morning you have the dew of your youth”. I believe this verse is talking about the rejuvenating power of the Spirit coming upon those who seek God in the morning hours. Some versions say “the womb of the dawn” which is even more evocative of the hungry soul seeking the Son before even the rising of the sun. As I seek my Lord when I awake, and spend sweet time in His presence, I am made new; His essence fills my being, impacts my flesh and bones, and renews and strengthens me in a way that only His presence can do! Joy is meant to manifest in my morning, hallelujah!

So take heart dear friend, and see that seasons are shifting and that you will soon be rejoicing. Weeping may have remained for the night, but the morning has come and it surely is a time of breakthrough, light and JOY. God’s favor is for life!

Minoli Haththotuwa, 03 July 2024


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