Abounding in Hope!

| Romans 15:13 – 29 January 2019 |

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Friend, there is such glorious hope in God and He is the source of it all. This Scripture from Romans 15 shows us something very special: When we come into relationship with God, we come into relationship with Hope. Life without Jesus was indeed hope-less but we now have Him, and we therefore have everything. We step into a realm of all possibility through faith in His sacrifice. Hope opens us up to the joy of Jesus, and His rich inner peace. Paul releases these words as a blessing to the people of Rome, that they will be filled with this heavenly, inexplicable joy and peace that comes from believing and trusting in God. There are many people (even some who profess faith in God) whose trust is in themselves. I remember from my distant past that this is a very stressful place to be, because most people are very aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and how much they fail. It is therefore impossible to depend on one’s finite self and be filled with hope, joy and peace! But when you give yourself into the hands of Almighty Eternal Omnipotent Yahweh God, there is no room for anxiety. We see His new mercies each morning, and our faith grows as we daily learn to trust Him more. He holds the universe in His hands and He fills us with heavenly hope, hallelujah! In the process of believing God, we can begin to experience a whole new level of peace and joy deep within us.

The God of heavenly hope wants to fill you with His precious Holy Spirit who quickens you and fills you with life. He wants you to know the holy, heart-strengthening, faith-bringing, miracle-creating, substance from eternity – hope. People need hope, and God has plenty to give! A life without God is a life without hope, but trusting in Him changes everything because we place ourselves on the Rock that is higher than we are. Put your hope in God, dear friend. He alone is our victory.

“My dearest child, I am calling you to an act of faith. I am asking you to step into joy. You have been awaiting your breakthrough and you have received many words from My prophets that things are happening in the spiritual realm. Now I am filling you with fresh hope to move you on. I am calling you to expect and see your breakthrough, and to begin to rejoice. This is your season for abundance in everything. Your healing is a fact, your financial stability is assured. There are doors of opportunity opening up before you. Your circumstances are beginning to align with My will. Expect your miracle, expect your “suddenly”! I invite you to step into My joy and peace. They are yours! Peace comes from My presence and opens your heart to hear My voice. Joy activates My angels, and breaks the footholds of the evil one. My joy releases light, and the darkness begins to break up and flee. If you want to see everything made new, then start to rejoice! This year you are going to see a level of breakthrough you never thought you would see. You are going to be as light as a feather and laughing with Me! Joy is the fuel of heaven and joy will propel you into your destiny. I am the God of hope and it is the season for you to see My glory! Come up higher, precious child; you can start with a smile!”

I pray that you will indeed “abound in hope”. I pray that you will never be without the richness of hope in God, and hope from God. I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill you to overflowing and that He will help you to see the eternal and perfect plans God has for you, plans to prosper you and take you high. May you abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ mighty name, amen


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