To shift the consciousness of spiritual truth-seekers so that they encounter intimacy with Christ.
To see Christ revealed in every individual so that all of creation is restored.
We are a grace church, whose foundations are in the charismatic church movement. We are committed to cultivating a culture of grace in our community, which means that we commend each individual to their conscience as they walk with God. (1 Cor 2:4, Gal 5:18) We believe that while the law is holy, it is not the source of our righteousness – rather, righteousness is a free gift received by faith (Rom 3:28, Rom 5:1-2), underwritten by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Rom 5:21).
We believe in one God (Deut 6:4, Mark 12:29), the creator of the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1). We believe He is God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19). We believe in the power of worship, the Word, and community to transform lives. We believe that signs, wonders, and miracles are a part of life in union with Christ (John 14:12). We honor and value the work of the Holy Spirit in our midst, and we believe that every person can experience the fullness of life in the Spirit (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17).
We believe in community and in the power of the united church of Jesus Christ.
We believe Jesus Christ died for all humanity, rose from the dead (Rom 6:9), and ascended to heaven (Luke 24:51). We believe that partaking of the communion is a real and powerful expression of Christ’s sacrifice and that it takes us deeper into the reality of His love each time we come to the communion table (Luke 22:19-20). We believe that the grace of God permits all to partake in the sacrificial gift of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:15). We believe that signs, wonders, and miracles are a part of life in union with Christ (John 14:12). In all this, we believe the Kingdom of Heaven is here and now (Mark 1:15).
Manju and Minoli are based in the Washington, DC metro area. They are passionate about hosting and stewarding sustained revival in the DC region. They also have a heart for the nations of the world, and during the past few years, Minoli & (sometimes) Manju have ministered in multiple other nations as well as in other parts of the USA.
Manju & Minoli have been pastors, mentors, and parents to many. They were both born in Sri Lanka, before moving to England as young adults to live and study there. They were the co-founders and directors of Rising on Wings Ministries, which later became Open Heaven, transitioning to a Sunday church from a weekly home meeting. They have changed locations a few times along the way, and the church is currently looking for a permanent space in the DC metro region where the Open Heaven community can continue to pursue the “more” of God while witnessing ever-increasing manifestations of His goodness through many signs and wonders.
Minoli stepped into full-time ministry in 1996. She takes care of the day-to-day leadership of Open Heaven. She graduated from Theological Seminary in Sri Lanka with additional diplomas in Psychology and Christian Counselling. She was appointed a pastor in the year 2000. Her ministry includes preaching, evangelism, worship, healing, and missionary outreach projects. Minoli’s heart is to be led by the Holy Spirit in everything, especially in reaching out to the lost and broken. Her main priority is to seek the Lord through worship and the Word. She loves people and animals, and enjoys spending time with both!
Prior to entering the ministry, Minoli developed a career in the field of Banking and completed professional Chartered Banking examinations, as well as an MBA from the Brunel University, London, and the Henley Business School, Henley on Thames. Minoli is a published author of 4 inspirational paperbacks and many other e-books available on Amazon Kindle. She is also a certified master level professional life coach, ministering through
Manju has a heart for building the Body of Christ, and is passionate about seeing people step into their destiny. His ministry is marked by a consistent impartation to those around him of God’s empowerment to become all they are called to be. He is an avid tennis player, and continually seeks to improve even in his fourth decade playing the sport. He and Minoli have a core value of valuing connection and family, and delight in stewarding a culture of love, honor and family at Open Heaven.
Manju pursued a career in Engineering, with his degree and MBA from Imperial College, London, while Minoli developed a career in the field of Banking and completed professional Chartered Banking examinations, as well as an MBA from the Brunel University, London, and the Henley Business School, Henley on Thames.
Pastors, elders, deacons, and prayer ministers – these are the men and women who passionately serve the Lord and the people of Open Heaven with deep love and dedication.
Enjoy the holiday weekend and we’ll see you in June!
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Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!
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Roundtable Chat about the Word
Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm
We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.
Coffee and tea will be available.