All Who Are Thirsty

(Psalm 42:1-3) 16 August 2017

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, Where is your God?


There is a deep place inside each of our hearts which is longing to be filled. It is a need for God which cannot be satisfied by anyone or anything else, a thirst that happens in the invisible realm of the soul and the spirit. Here, the psalmist gives us the picture of a thirsty deer, panting in desperation as it seeks a place to drink. He says �So pants my soul for You O God.� This may be a feeling that you have experienced � this deep, insatiable thirsting for the presence of God and the things of heaven. Think of a time you were nearing the end of a long journey and literally gasping for a drink of water, and you will be identifying with what David expressed in this psalm. That deer was not looking for coffee, juice, or any other beverage. It needed water to satisfy the dryness in its being. A sip of cool water tastes so amazing, when you have been longing for it and needing it for a while. In the same way, David says ï¿½My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.� There are multiple pools the world chooses to drink from, but only one that can truly satisfy. There are multiple different perceptions of �God� and how to experience Him, but only the presence of the living God can touch us deep down, and fulfil. Only the blood of Jesus can cleanse, restore and heal. Only His presence can fill us up and make us whole again. The thirsty deer finds water, and drinks until it is satisfied. We have the capacity to do the same � to drink and be full, until we thirst again. There are three things God wants all you thirsty �deer� to know today:

God wants you to know that He is not far away from you. This psalm was written when David was going through a difficult time, living as a fugitive, and far away from the temple of God. He wept at the thought of the house of God, and his inability to enter and worship His King. People taunted him saying �where is your God?� but he knew that it would not be long before he was back in the house of the Lord. Dear friend, there is nothing that can keep you away from the love of God. There is nothing that can stop you coming into His presence. The blood of Jesus already opened the way for you and me. He removed the hindrances and blocks that came from sin, from spiritual blindness, from the inability to hear His voice. You may have been going through a painful situation which has made you weep night and day, or maybe you have been experiencing a time of discouragement and depression. Perhaps you have had people taunting you and saying �so, where is your God?� because of what is happening in your life. Today the Holy Spirit would have you know that there is no distance too wide for Him to bridge. There is no sin that cannot be forgiven and cleansed by the power of the blood of Jesus. The world around you will see the very real presence of God upon your life as you step into your breakthrough and see God moving on your behalf. God loves you. He is with you!

God is calling you back home. There is someone reading this message who decided to distance themselves from the house of God, because of something that happened in the past, but the Holy Spirit is calling you back. There has been a sadness and a loneliness in your heart, which only the presence of God can heal, hurts which are calling for your wholehearted forgiveness. The enemy has been whispering to you so, where is your God?but you can turn around and say aloud that God is indeed with you, His presence surrounds you, and you are at peace with Jesus and His body the church. There is an amazing time of healing and health that is coming into every aspect of your life, including your finances and relationships, as you receive this word and act upon it! I declare the power of God is coming upon your heart. You are beginning to experience the presence of God in a whole new way, in the mighty name of Jesus!

God is inviting you to come and drink from the Pool that never runs dry! There is a river of glory, a river that flows from the throne of God (Revelations 22:1). It is a river of life, which brings peace and healing, and ends all strife. If you acknowledge your need for the presence of God and ask Him to fill you, you will be filled today to overflowing. Jesus said (in John 7:37) If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. David knew that only the Living God could give Him the living water. You may have been to many places seeking the real presence of God when all you have to do is just lift your hands to Him in surrender and say precious Holy Spirit, would you fill me?� He will! Maybe you have never thirsted for the Presence of God but that may be because you have never really felt or experienced it. It is time to taste and see that He is so good! (Psalm 34:8). The more you drink of Him, the more you need, and there is always more of Him to fill you up, hallelujah!Be blessed today, and know that God is with you and you can have as much of Him as your heart desires. He can fill your need!


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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

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