Behold The New Thing! (Isaiah 43:19)

“Behold I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (NKJV)

A few days ago I was sitting in the presence of the Lord and praying about this new year and what He wants to do.  I heard Him say “What you behold is what will unfold”! I knew He was telling me to envision what I wanted to see happening in this year, and to call it forth with Him.  I felt His call to be a co-creator with the Holy Spirit!

All through the Bible, we see the Lord saying “Behold”, in both the Old and the New Testaments. Jesus even said “Behold I am with you”.  It is a reminder that what we “see” or envision is what we will experience.  If we could “see” the mighty presence of Yahweh God with us, and His heavenly host, we would never feel afraid or uncertain in any situation, but you have to “behold”. You have to “see” it and “hold” it; I mean that you have to picture that heavenly reality, and hold the vision in your heart as what you will walk towards in prayer, and also in how you live your life.   

Dear friends, God has placed amazing power within you, the power to create.  You can use it for good by what you envision and what you declare, or you can use it the other way.  The verse prior to the one we are looking at (Verse 18 of Isaiah 43) says “Do not remember the former things”; Today the Holy Spirit is telling us to take our eyes (and minds) off the things of the past. He is telling us to stop looking at the defeats, difficulties, discouragements of the past year(s) and He is calling us to fix our gaze ahead on the promises of God.  Stop letting the past speak into your today and hinder it, friend. The past is over but today lies in your hands like a glistening golden gift of grace from our Father God.  Jesus paid with His blood to purchase a future for you filled with light. We could choose to linger in the failures and accusations of yesterday, and find ourselves held back, unable to progress beyond where we stopped.  (This is what happened to the wife of Lot in Genesis 19:26).  Instead, we could choose to step into the unlimited potential of this new year, this “day” that God has given us as a gift of grace.  We can choose to receive it as a part of His perfect plan.  We could rejoice and be glad in it, and consecrate it before Him, for His goodness and love to flow. 

This Scripture says “Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?”.  Everything that God created (in the book of Genesis) already existed in the realm of His heart before it was spoken forth and came into physical existence.  In the same way, we have begun a creative process when we envision something in our hearts and begin to ponder on it, and pray and call it forth.  There is something new and awesome that is coming forth from the heart of God into yours, and then into existence, but your willing partnership is necessary to make it happen.  It is going to be something miraculous and mighty, just like a roadway in the wilderness or a river in a desert would have been in those bygone days without technology. 

“I am doing a new thing.  Can you behold it? Can you perceive it in the depths of your heart?  If you can see it, you can have it.  It is already yours!  I am calling rivers to burst forth and overflow in the dried out places. I am building something unfailing, something powerful and true.  I am replacing death with life, and making everything new. If you will believe and see, you will experience your dream manifesting and coming to be. I am your Creator and I am calling you to create this year with Me.”

I see ministries rising up strong; I see breakthrough in multiple different health situations, including arthritic & pain related conditions, memory related conditions and vascular situations. I see financial pressures suddenly released, and marital pain going away. You can start to see it and step into the “new” too!  You are on the heart of Abba God, and as you consecrate this year for victory, I do believe He is consecrating it with you.  Expect the new thing and behold it.  All this goodness is what He has for you!

Minoli Haththotuwa, 22 January 2020


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.