“I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” (NKJV)
There are many things we can take from this verse of Scripture but the Holy Spirit is reminding us today that we have been born for life. We were born to live long and strong! Life itself is such a miracle of God, and I am sure that anyone who has watched the birth of a baby (human, bird, or animal) will agree. The creation of life is a “God” thing, and when God breathed His breath into the first man and woman in Eden, He put into them His supernatural power, His divine life. I believe this same breath fires up the lungs of every child who is born to planet earth. It is the same breath that keeps each person alive and standing from day to day.
People around the world are living through a season where sickness and death are highlighted daily as the media reports on what the medical “experts” identify as new versions of an old sickness. The story keeps rolling on, germinating fear and anxiety into the minds and hearts of the public. It is “death” taking more and more air time in the thoughts of people who have been born for life. I really believe that death takes away, it steals and destroys – hope, freedom, joy, peace – when all the while Jesus is saying “I came to give you life and more abundantly”. (John 10:10). He says “it was for freedom that I set you free” (Galatians 5:1). The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, (John 10:10), and most of the time, it happens in a slow and insidious way, beginning in our minds, in our thoughts. We have seen how the current situation with the virus has gradually expanded into every aspect of life, and how it seems to fill the news and the conversations of people.
Friend, we were born for life. We were born to overcome. We were born again for victory! Jesus already paid a price with His holy blood to cancel every sin and every disease. It happened in the eternal realm where He knew you and loved you and forgave you. He already saw the viruses and other diseases that would arise in the world through every age. He made available all the protocol and the technology for us to be free, and to be healed by the power of His blood. Plagues are mentioned many times in the Word of God, and we see in the Old Testament (1 Chronicles 21) how God released an angel who stopped a plague which was affecting the people of Israel. How much more of divine grace can we access now, in the power of the New Covenant! Every challenge that arises in our lives already has a divine solution – a real way out! And here’s some more good news: We are not alone and adrift on the earth, trying to find our way. God is in us, He is with us, and He gives us all the wisdom and direction we need through the mighty Holy Spirit who is residing in us. He gives us power for life, power to live. He enables us to live long and strong! Am I saying that we cannot get sick? No. I am saying that God has given us His supernatural power and protection to be whole, but even if some virus or bacteria rose up against us in this world, it is only a temporary thing. God thought of that already when He created man with a beautiful immune system, one that is effective and relevant even today! I believe that even if we get sick, we are meant to heal and be restored as good as new!
Whatever occurs in our lives, we have to know that we are one with Jesus. God Himself is in us, and He gives us the overcoming, whatever that might look like in each of our lives. Whatever seems to be happening before our eyes, let’s choose to say “Lord, I choose to trust you and offer myself to you as a living sacrifice. I choose Life, life that’s long and strong and led by you. Fill me Holy Spirit to live this life with you, and to live it every day for the glory of the name of my Jesus.” This is the best place to be; God is able to move on your behalf, and bring you the victory.
Beloved, there’s no name higher than the name of Jesus; and even if the whole world keeps confessing the “power” of another “name”, there is no one greater or more glorious than our God! He is life and healing; He is our source of power and strength. Love LIFE, because Jesus is our glory and the lifter of our head (Psalm 3:3). You were truly born to live!
Minoli Haththotuwa, 14 September 2021