Choose Life

| Deuteronomy 30:19 – 12 June 2018 |

Choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;   that you may love the  Lord  your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He  is  your life and the length of your days


Today’s message is for all the precious sons and daughters who are standing in the valley of decision. There are decisions you need to make but you find you are wavering from A to B. The path that seemed to be the perfect way ahead a few hours ago now does not appear to be so clear. Maybe you need to say “yes” to a job offer, or to some other significant transition in your life, but you find yourself moving from a “yes” to a “no”, and experiencing confusion arising within you each time you change your mind. This is your moment of breakthrough! James writes about this in James 1:5-8, and he calls it a “double mind”. How do you make a difficult decision? Choose life. What shall I eat tonight? Choose life. Where do I worship? Choose life! This may sound a little dramatic, but the fact is that every decision we might make, (consciously or unconsciously) is a choice towards life or death, even the mundane, daily things like what we eat. Every decision we make affects not only the person making it, but others as well. God, (all Life) brought forth life when He created the beauty of the universe and placed Adam and Eve upon it. God chooses “life” each time He brings forth a person into the earth and puts His breath into their lungs. His plans for us are all about “life” and He is calling us to make the same choice of “life” in everything we do. The more we cling to Jesus (the source of all life), focus on Him, feed on His Word, and saturate ourselves in His presence, the more familiar His voice becomes and “Life” becomes the natural choice. In Him is life, and this “life” is our light, shattering the doubt and confusion, taking away all the darkness and despair. (John 1:4-5).

Dear friend, something is shifting in the spiritual realm, even as you read this message. The Holy Spirit is pouring wisdom into you, and giving you clarity about what you need to do. It could be that you have not still seen your breakthrough simply because you have been changing your mind about what you want, and you are not even sure that you might see it happen. Perhaps there is a part of you that is not completely convinced about the goodness of God. James 1:6 says “Let him ask in faith, with no doubting”. He says “If any of you lacks wisdom” (or anything else!) “let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” That is such good news! Abba God generously pours out His wisdom and grace, and gives us everything we need to be led by Him. He enables us to overcome every spirit of confusion and to choose those things that are from Him. When confused about whether to go one way or the other, all we have to do is to reconnect to our Prince of Peace. Know that any confusion and indecisiveness is from the enemy, who incites a double mind. Jesus is the Bringer of peace. Take a moment to focus back on Him, and ask Him for the wisdom and clarity you need. You are receiving it even as you lift up your heart to Him now!

“Precious Blood bought child, look to Me, and love Me with all your heart. If you keep your eyes and heart on Me, there will be no confusion – only clarity. I am showing you the way ahead. I am drawing you away from those things that are dead. I am pouring out My abundant love and life upon you now. This is going to work out well, don’t be anxious and think “but how?” I am making roadways in the wilderness for you. I am making rough roads smooth. I am taking you up the mountain. You are conquering it soon. Choose Life this day. Choose My way. I am with you, I am in you and I have given you length of days.”

Dear friend, let the Holy Spirit come in and lift you up to higher ground. Let your heart be set on Jesus. Renounce the confusion, doubt and fear, and cast it out in Jesus’ name. You were born for the high mountain tops. You were born to win, so lift your heart to Jesus, and set your eyes on Him! Be blessed as you choose the path that brings God’s life!


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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.