Choose Today! (Joshua 24:15)

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (NKJV)

These words were spoken by Joshua when he led the people of God into their forever home, the “promised land” of Canaan. Thousands of years later, the Holy Spirit is speaking to us through the same words. We each make hundreds of choices every day in everything we say and do. We choose for ourselves how we live, in every step we take. These words of Joshua are packed with life giving power but there are three specific things we are being told today:

  1. Choose for yourself. Friends, it seems like there are so many opinions out in the world today, and so much offense attached to each one. It appears impossible to totally agree with any one person, and frankly expressing a view can make you lose friends! A spirit of intimidation has been released into the world, and people are being drawn into a view, or certain actions through social pressure. The collective consciousness is sometimes so strong out there that you could find yourself being convinced about things, or accepting something which you never would have in the past. But God is asking you today to begin to choose for yourself. People can try to influence you and make you see things their way, but tap in to the presence of Jesus within you; test it by the standard of the Word. Chances are that if you feel a sense of discomfort about something going on, or something you are hearing, that is in itself an indication that it is not something the Holy Spirit would lead you to choose. It may be difficult at first, but it is OK to disagree with a popular view, or to refrain from agreeing with something uncomfortable for you. It is OK to swim against the flow, to be the odd one out, so long as it is you and Jesus swimming together! When you choose His way, it truly is the higher way! The important thing is that you are led by the Holy Spirit and you choose for yourself, not because other people influenced your thinking, and not because you are being led by the way your family always perceived something. Choose Jesus, and what He would say or do, and choose for yourself, and you will see yourself growing!
  • Who will you serve? Joshua said to the people that they could stay with the old way, or they could choose Yahweh! They could fall in with the worship of popular idols in the time and place in which they lived, or they could choose the Lord. They could blindly follow the practices of generations past, or choose to embrace a new life with God. From the beginning of time, we have seen how the enemy brings situations (and people) to try to take a higher place than God in the minds and hearts of men. When the three boys in the book of Daniel (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) were thrown into the fiery furnace (Daniel chapter 3), it was because they refused to worship the image of the king, which every other citizen was bowing down to. Even when they were being thrown into the fire, they did not waiver, trusting that the One they loved was worth it all. As it happened, God saved them from the burning furnace, and they were taken out unharmed, but they chose to stand firm for God all the way, even when faced with the possibility of losing their lives. They bravely told the king that they would never serve anyone but Yahweh God, no matter what! They knew who they belonged to; do you? Everything we do and stand for in our lives is either an expression of our love for Jesus, and our service unto him, or our desire to please the world. We have the same choice before us today and every day, as we ask ourselves “who do I belong to”, “who do I serve”? Or “who will I serve”?
  • I choose to serve the Lord! Joshua chose to belong to Yahweh God and to identify with Him, even when it was not socially “cool” or when people did not agree with him and went against him. He was not sitting on the fence or trying to please multiple groups of people; he made a distinct choice. This is what we are each called to do. Jesus said that no one can successfully serve two “masters” (Matthew 6:24) and that it is not possible to love them both. This is so true! Joshua said to his people “choose for yourselves this day…”, giving them a point in time to decide, and the opportunity to turn their hearts fully to God. I am given the same opportunity to take this moment in time and to look at my heart and see whether I belong to Jesus. Have I chosen to follow Him in the midst of all the confusion and controversy around me? Do I choose each day to give my heart afresh to Him and let Him be the One I worship and love and seek to please? Yes, I do choose Jesus! I choose Abba God. I choose the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, and all the wisdom, love and power that He brings me to. I choose to serve the Lord and to follow His leading and His teachings in the Word in every situation I experience. I choose to reject and turn away from everything that is not from Him, and everything that cannot be aligned to God’s Word. I choose the Truth – His Truth, His Way, His Life. I choose the King of kings and the Lord of Lords who called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. God is for me and not against me. He is on my side, and that is the final word on it! Amen and hallelujah!

Dear friend, the day I pledged my life to Jesus was the most glorious day of my life. There will be no turning back. As for me and my house, we have chosen to love and serve the Lord for ever!

Minoli Haththotuwa, July 8, 2020


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.