Deep Calling

| Psalm 42:7-8 – October 3 2019 |

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me. The Lord will command His loving kindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me. A prayer to the God of my life.


There is a deep place in my heart which is always tuning in to the things of God. It is as though there was an invisible antenna, searching for a different, heavenly frequency. My heart is so hungry for Jesus and His Spirit, and so in need of the Father’s love, and the glories of heaven. This psalm begins with the words “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” (Psalm 42:1 & 2). It is a deep cry from a heart that is deeply in love with the depths of God! It is a hunger and thirst that can never be fully satisfied, a real “addiction” that takes us deeper and deeper into the realms of His love, the realms of the Spirit, until we are completely His, and yielded in body, spirit and soul to the only One who can make us whole. David feels such life enriching him each time he enters the presence of God that he refers to Him as the “living” God and the God of his “life”. But why is it that many of us are happy with just a little bit of God and do not want to go deeper than ankle deep, or waist deep in the river of His love? It is because going into deep water creates a pressure in our lives, which initiates decisions, changes in direction, and brings about significant transformation. Not everyone wants to be submerged, to have water in their ears, eyes and nose, and to feel out of control when those waves and billows crash over and around one’s frame. Dive down into the ocean even a few feet, and you feel the difference, the increase of pressure on your ear drums, due to hydrostatic pressure. The deeper you go, the greater the pressure of the water pushing down on you, and without oxygen and breathing equipment, we cannot breathe! When we seek more of Jesus, Father and the Holy Spirit, there is a certain extent which feels comfortable to most of us, and then there arises a tension, because we are pushing into the things of another realm. While the spirit man is completely at home in the glory, the soul and flesh feel the pressure and quite easily bounce back out on to the natural realm.

Dear friend, there is a realm of God’s loving kindness which we can experience in every season of our lives (day or night) when we choose to open our hearts, and to inhabit the deep places of His love. His desire is to overwhelm us with wave after wave of His goodness and grace. He has already commanded the angels to bring forth the evidence of His love and kindness into every part of our lives, but that comes into manifestation as we allow ourselves to go deeper into the things of the Spirit. “My precious child, here I am, calling to the deep places of your heart. I seek connection and communication. I want to share the wonders of My heart with you. This is not something that happens through the realms of the intellect or the mind. It happens when My Spirit fills you and when you let your heart fall in love with Me. This is what I meant when I said “Abide in Me”. Are you ready to lose yourself in Me? Will you let My Spirit overflow you and fill you up with Me? The thirsting you feel is a desire for more of Me, so let Me fill you up from My eternal River, and let My Spirit saturate you and set you free. There’s so much more I have for you as you come deeper into Me.”

I remember going through the Niagara falls in a boat many years ago, and the noise of the crashing falls was quite deafening. All I could hear was the sound of the falling waters. As we come into that place of depth in Him, we will be able to hear His voice clearer than every other sound, and know His will and desire for us in a new and wonderful way. It is a place of power, and a place of praise where we can live and prosper for all of our days. Hallelujah!


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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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