Divine Destiny

| Jeremiah 1:4 – 26 March 2019 |

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations.


There is destiny and purpose being released through this Word today, and a revelation of our mission and calling on the earth. These words from the Lord to the prophet Jeremiah were a confirmation of his eternal calling and destiny. They can speak to us in the same way, many thousands of years later.

God knows you & has a plan for you. He has an individual purpose and a calling for each of us, something that was designed and created long before we were even born. Nothing we could ever do or say could ever surprise our amazing Lord, because He knew us completely, before we were even formed in our mother’s womb! You may be one of the many people who go through life feeling like they are invisible and ignored, unknown by God and by those in their community but He wants you to know that you are on His heart and on His mind. He sees you, He knows everything that anyone could know about you, and He always has! There are people who live each day in the belief that God is too huge and powerful to concern Himself with knowing the ‘little’ people like you and I, but this Scripture tells us something else, that we have been deeply known by our Father God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit eternally, hallelujah!

Our Father knew us before we were born!If God our Father knew us before we were even conceived, then we already existed in the realm of His heart. He saw us before He created us. He saw all the plans for our lives before we came to this earth (Psalm 139:16), and called these (and us) forth from the eternal realm. Your birth was a planned and purposeful act of God. He wants you to know that you were not a mistake!

You are loved unconditionally and walking towards your destiny. Jeremiah was a normal man with strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of where he needed to improve, but in the eyes of the Lord, he was already perfect, sanctified, cleansed for His design and purpose. God was not waiting to see if Jeremiah would be a good person before He entrusted him with power or a prophetic ministry. The Lord ordained him a prophet before he was even born!

This is so beautiful and inspiring for many reasons. Firstly it gives us hope for the people we have been praying for and wanting to see saved and set free. We may see them as people struggling with some issue, but God sees them as a finished work, strong and complete, and walking towards their divine destiny. Secondly, it shows us that God sees each of us in the light of His choice. We are His chosen sons, and the recipients of His favor, His warm smile! We are called by God Himself, cleansed in the precious blood of Jesus, and filled to overflowing with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Long before your biological father and mother came together, you were already seen, known, and called by your heavenly Father. His calling is on your life. You are appointed and anointed to bring His Word of life to the nations, and He is opening doors for you to be supernaturally connected to those who need your ministry. Dear friend, there is so much God has in store for you, and you are going to begin to see the unfolding of His divine plans for you from this day forth. You are His prophet to the people around you, and it is time to say “yes Lord” and to follow the Holy Spirit to the places and people He sends you to. You are His beautiful prophetic Bride, His chosen one, for whom He gave His life. Today He places His ring upon your finger and calls you up, to live life through His eyes. He is inviting you into a partnership with His precious Spirit, and to walk through each day with real joy! You will live in the power of your purpose and your life will never be the same again, I promise you


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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.