Faith Vs Fear

 (Luke 1:29-30) 04 December 2017

And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.


These verses are taken from Scriptures relating to the birth of Jesus, and they describe Mary’s supernatural visitation from the angel Gabriel. This sweet village girl had grown up in a culture and time far removed from where we are today. She did not have the education, experience or knowledge that we have, and her life was very different to anything we could conceive of today. However, she did have something in common with you and me: Almighty God, the Lord over all of creation, the Name above all names, knew her and loved her and had His eye upon her. He knew all her days, from the beginning to the end, and from before she was even a speck in her mother’s womb, she was marked, and chosen as an important of God’s eternal plan for mankind. The blessed Holy Spirit wants us to read and receive these words with anticipation and expectation today, as He releases light and life into our hearts, hallelujah!

Fear has to go! Dear friend, you are stepping into a whole new season in your life, and the Lord is preparing you for something amazing but He says to you today “Fear has to go”! It is possible that for many of us, fears have kept us from truly “taking off” and flying high into the glorious things God has made ready for us. Like Mary, we are often “troubled” when we see God calling us higher because it may seem like there is too much to overcome, and mountains to climb before we get to that better place. We may also be “troubled” by the many things that rise up around us or within us, which hinder us and make us doubt the good plans of our Father. Decide to say “no” to fear today. There is a healing awaiting you when you say “yes” to faith and no to fear. There is a better employment opportunity and a lucrative business idea the Holy Spirit has shown you. There is a God ordained marriage partner and a fulfilling relationship set apart for you. Rise up, step out, take the hand of the Holy Spirit today and let Him lead you to higher ground. Choose faith. Choose the path of purpose!

Receive the truth that you are blessed! Yes it really is true. God delights in you and His favor is upon you! You are blessed and highly favored and so loved by Father God, but not because of anything you have done or the righteousness of your life. You are richly loved because you belong to Jesus and you are “in Christ”, hallelujah! Dear friend, I pray that you have a real revelation of God’s favor upon your life, and how very blessed and loved you are. Fear starts to melt away when we experience the truth of our Father’s love and favor and we begin to walk in the realm of endless possibilities and an open heaven. You are cherished, you are treasured, you are so deeply loved! There is absolutely nothing you can do to earn the love of God or make Him love you more, just like there is nothing you could do that could make Him love you less. You are just loved!

Rejoice, dear beloved child of God. You are loved, you are blessed, you are highly favored. There is nothing your Father would not do for you. There is no good thing that He would withhold from you (Psalm 84:11) because you are His own child and He loves you. I see your days filled with joy. I see the shackles of fear falling off you, and supernatural answers to prayer breaking through into your life! I see debts cancelled and poverty evicted from you. I see relationships restored and discord broken from your home, from your marriage, all in the mighty name of Jesus, hallelujah! Pray this little prayer with me, if you feel you could: “Lord Jesus, I thank you for making me Yours. Today I repent for every time I have agreed with fear. I renounce fear and cast it out of my life in the name of Jesus. I yield my heart and mind to you and I ask you precious Holy Spirit to fill me and take over every place in me where there was fear. Fill me with my Father’s love. I choose to walk in faith. I choose to walk in your love and favor, in Jesus’ name, amen”.

Do not be troubled, anxious or fearful any more, dear friend. You are so blessed because you truly have found favor with God!


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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.