“Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his Kingdom there will be no end”. (NKJV)
Two thousand years ago, something powerful happened when God Himself broke into the realm of the earth in the form of a human. A sweet young girl was chosen from before the dawning of time to be the earthly vessel of honor, and to bring forth the Son of God, Jesus. When she received a visit from the angel of God, she was puzzled and afraid, because she had lived all her life knowing God, but never having the revelation or awareness of His favor or His very real love and nearness to her. She had no idea that she was the chosen and blessed daughter of the most high God! The angel assured her of God’s favor, and that she would be a part of His plan for humanity. She would carry in her womb and bring forth the redemption of the world – the Savior Jesus Christ. Mary had probably never even thought of such Greatness coming into her life, but there is nothing impossible with God! She probably never imagined she would conceive by the power of God, but the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and divine life began to resonate and reverberate within her womb.
Many of us having been living in fear – fear of some challenging circumstance, or some person, or even with an unhealthy fear of God as a harsh and demanding Lord. We may be living without any awareness that because Jesus shed His blood in our place, we have come into a place of real favor with God. He loves us because of His Son Jesus! He trusts us, and wants to fill our lives with His heavenly presence, with His heavenly goodness, simply because He sees us as one with Jesus. Friend, this is such amazing good news! God became man in Jesus, and took all the punishment we deserved so that we get to live in the fullness of His love, in connection with Heaven, in intimacy with Jesus, hallelujah!
What God wants to do in your life is eternal, heavenly, and has no end. Once you step into your place of sonship with the Father through Jesus, your life moves into a completely different dimension. He has leadership and dominion for you, a place by the right hand of Jesus, from which you can rule and reign. You have found favor with God. Maybe you are thinking to yourself that you didn’t quite “make the mark” a few days ago, or that you failed in some standard you have given yourself; but God says to you that He loves you, and that He sees you as He sees His Son. His favor is upon you, and He is really with you.
Dear friend, God wants you to know that a season of barrenness is over. This is a time to bear fruit and bring forth – physically as well as spiritually. There are divine seeds that have been sown, and you are going to see them come forth filled with lasting life and strength. You were never born to fail. You were created for greatness and to succeed, and everything you need has already been granted to you. This is what 2 Peter 1:3 says in the Amplified version: “For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.” We have things tilted in our favor, because God makes it possible for His kids to win! You are His highly favored one and what He is doing in your life is something glorious and truly great, hallelujah! Receive His love and favor upon your life, and you will see everything change. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you, and you will see your life take on a new direction. Open your heart to the Word of God, and you will see it manifest and become flesh within and around you. You are highly favored. You were born to win, because of who you have within!
I pray you have a very beautiful Christmas filled with the presence and the peace of JESUS, and that the Spirit of God will take you deeper into the revelation of who you really are – God’s highly favored one!
Minoli Haththotuwa, December 16, 2019