Keys To The House

| Matthew 7:9-1115 October 2018 |

Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!


This passage of Scripture is preceded by the well known passage about asking and receiving, knocking, and having the door opened. Many Bibles carry titles to this passage such as “Ask and keep on asking, knock and keep on knocking” but here’s a secret to answered prayer: It is all about the relationship between Father and son. It is necessary to ask our Father for what we need, because it is an initiation of encounter, and an important part or our relationship and interaction with Him. It is also a humbling of ourselves before our amazing God who is also the most amazing Dad! He has given us keys to the door because we are sons (and daughters) of the house. We are not on the outside knocking and begging to be admitted in, but an integral part of Him and very much on the inside, a part of Abba’s family. We can enter into our Father’s courts with thanksgiving and praise, knowing that we are joint heirs with Jesus, and that everything He has is for us (Luke 15:31).

It is also about our revelation of God as a good Father. It is true that many of us see Daddy God through clouded lenses because we did not have positive experiences with our earthly parents. Some of us were actually given “stones” or “serpents” when we asked for something else, but in the power of the Holy Spirit and in Jesus’ name, we now can trample on every serpent (Psalm 91:13, Luke 10:19) and see stones turn into life giving bread, hallelujah! The past does not have to affect your life or relationship with God any more. Everything can begin to change today as He calls you closer to His heart, to taste and see that He truly is good. He has loved you with an everlasting love. He was always there, always knew you, always loved you with an intense and unconditional agape which is so different from any love we have known that we cannot even begin to comprehend it! Take a big deep breath before you read the rest of this message, and Hear His heart for you today: “My precious child, your face is always framed within Me, and My heart swells with delight each time I look at you! There is so much I have planned for you, such glorious gifts and heavenly blessing I want to impart to you. Every prayer you pray before Me is a “yes” and “amen” prayer I hear. I want to see you prosper and bear fruit, and walk in the fullness of the identity the blood of Jesus has paid for in the heavenlies just for you. I only have good thoughts towards you, good and perfect things I wish to pour upon you. This day I call you closer, to lay down every pre-conceived idea of who I am and how I love. I am asking you to come to Me with an open heart and an open mind, to be willing to trust Me fully. There are offences you are carrying against your earthly parents, precious child, and these are standing between us. Disappointments have made you come to me with conditions, with doubts in the back of your mind. I sometimes see you holding yourself back, with your arms folded, silently telling me to prove My love for you. Each time things have not turned out right, you hear yourself saying “I told you so”, because you are not expecting the goodness I love to pour upon you. Please know that I will never let you down. I am your forever Father. I never walk out, I will never abandon you. I never check out when I don’t like something about you. I will never disconnect and distance Myself from you. I never ignore your voice when you call to Me. I never send disasters or difficulties to you or leave you alone unprotected or uncovered. I promise I will always be with you, no matter what. This is My solemn & immutable oath to you. I proved My love for you eternally, when Jesus gave His life for you and He is My final, living Word of love made manifest to you. Today is a great day to say “no” to the wounds that the enemy kept alive in your heart, which he used to keep you from the fullness of My love. Here’s what you must do: Forgive your earthly parents and let me heal your heart. There is so much more in store than you have ever known, as you let go of the past and step right into the home. No more knocking repeatedly, no more standing on ceremony. Everything that I have, I have already decreed for you. Today I am breaking every negative cycle, and negative expectation that has dictated your path. I break the orphan spirit, and all abandonment and isolation off you. I am releasing a new song into your life, a song of breakthrough, a song of sonship. Take My hand and let Me bring you in. You are a part of My family. When you ask, you will most surely and abundantly receive because I have given you the key. Will you agree? Every good and perfect gift comes to you from Me!”

I am sure that every parent (and child) can identify with this Word from Abba’s heart. If you love to give the best to your children, surely you can see that God wants to do so much more for you! He is a good Father! He is our awesome, adoring, ever present Dad, and He is always with us. He will never let us down. I pray the blessed Holy Spirit ignites these words of the Father and brands them deep into your heart forever. I pray you will feel and see a total transformation! Be blessed, in Jesus’ mighty name, amen!


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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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