New Mercies Every Day

| Lamentations 3:22-24 – 18 July 2019 |

Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.


Here’s more good news! The Lord has new mercies for you today and He wants to manifest them into your life in a wonderful way. There’s a whole new level of breakthrough awaiting you as you see the new thing and take it. Many things may have worked against you, but you are still standing because of the Lord’s unfailing love. He shields and protects you from the fierceness of the elements and from every attack. He brought you through the storm to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed.

Dear friend, there is a divine connection between our acknowledgement of God’s mercy and the newness we can know every day. It is a submission to God’s omnipotent power which opens us up to the abundance of His mercy and grace. Every time we see and receive the mercy and goodness of our Abba God, it is another opportunity to start afresh; it is another new “day”. Each day I wake up thankful for God’s goodness, and for the fact that He brought me into another day filled with promise, a clean page to write upon. Isaiah 43:18 & 19 tell us to forget the “former things”, and to refraining from focusing on the past. Isaiah tells us to look ahead with anticipation towards the “new thing.” This is a key to a life of newness. Instead of waking up and connecting to the uncomfortable situation that happened the previous day, wake up and thank God for another opportunity to live for Him, to manifest His love to the world. Expect Him to move in your favor. Expect His blessing and His grace to be on everything you do. Look ahead with wonder at the opportunities awaiting you. God has many good things in store for you but you have to actively take them with both hands. Instead of bringing in something unpleasant from the past, you can call forth the good thing that He has for you now. See the new thing, the “now” thing. It is better than anything you experienced yesterday. It is God’s new mercy, His “now” gift, hallelujah! Here’s how you can make this a part of each day:

1) See His goodness and expect it. God is always good, and He only has good plans for you and good thoughts in His heart towards you (Jeremiah 29:11) Accept that you are meant to be blessed and that He has a very special “goodness” stored up especially for you! Focus on the faithfulness of the Lord with thankfulness. See how good He has been to you in the past and how He never let you down, coming through for you at the eleventh hour! We have a history with God and He has proved Himself so faithful.

2) Acknowledge His new mercies and compassions. You are alive and well and saw another beautiful sunrise today! You are not alone in this world because you have a wonderful supernatural Father who is your friend. He has promised to be with you always and He will be until the end. It is He who connects you to people and situations which are a blessing to you. His love covers you and His heart is filled with compassion for you. Acknowledging the mercy of God is a revelation of His omnipotent power and His sovereign rule, and this connects you to the realm of His divine blessing every day. He is the eternal Lord over all creation, and to Him every knee will bow.

3) Give yourself this fresh chance, and choose to be new. Refuse to let your mind wonder back to the disappointments or the failures of yesterday because God has something brand new for you today. This is the new day the Lord has made and you can choose to rejoice afresh and be glad in it! Know that you are fully forgiven and also forgive yourself. Receive God’s forgiveness because He is not remembering and holding yesterday against you. Jesus already died and paid with the price of His blood for you. He took care of every mistake you ever made.

Friend, this is a new season in your life. You get to live each day as a new creature, going from strength to strength and from glory to glory. This is the essence of the “born again” life. You are being transformed into the magnificient likeness of Jesus! Expect to see the mercy and blessing of God because what you expect is what you are going to see. (Faith is the evidence, now, of things hoped for – Hebrews 11:1). If you believe for God’s best and you live in anticipation of His newness every day this is what you will walk in. Expect those God initiated “suddenlies” to fill your life and you will be amazed at how many you will experience! His mercies are new every morning, every evening! His mercy is fresh and relevant and meets your need from from moment to moment, and every single time. Great is His heavenly faithfulness, and glorious are His new mercies every day! Amen!


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