Passover Power!

| Exodus 12:23 – 26 March 2018 |

And when He sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.


The book of Exodus tells us how Passover began thousands of years ago, at the time when God delivered the people of Israel from their lives of bondage in Egypt. The people were told to kill a perfect and unblemished lamb, and to eat it, roasted in fire, with the accompaniments of unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (Exodus 12:8). They were also told to take some of the blood of the lamb and put it on the doorposts and lintels of their houses. This marked the houses of the people who belonged to God, and the blood kept them safe from the judgement that came on their oppressors. Fast forward a few thousand years, and the unblemished Lamb of God became the Passover Lamb for all people, for all time, when He hung upon a rugged wooden cross. As His blood flowed, He cried in agony “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do! He paid the highest price. He bought back our freedom, our healing, our forgiveness and restoration. He cleared an account we could have never paid. He stamped “CANCELLED” over a mountainous debt of sin we had, and bought us back from death to life that day.

Today, you and I can apply the precious blood of Jesus upon the lintels and door posts of our homes, our families, our lives and know that we are protected. Death tries to enter but it has to depart. Infirmity tries to get in but it has to cease and desist. It has to pass on (or pass over) because of the blood of the Passover lamb. The powerful blood of Jesus is our mighty covering. We are shielded from every attack of the enemy. Every “legal” right he once had is broken, because of the precious blood of Jesus, our Passover Lamb. When the enemy sees the Blood, he cannot persist because he knows the blood of Jesus is the Gift of God which cancelled the wages of sin (Romans 6:23). He sees the Blood and death has to flee because the Blood represents eternal life in Christ Jesus! The Blood of Jesus speaks a better word than the blood of Abel (Hebrews 12:24). It speaks life, and victory, healing and freedom. It speaks a word of restoration, encouragement, peace and joy. The blood of Jesus is His unlimited love poured out to His creation. The blood of Jesus represents not only His eternal sacrifice, but also His resurrection Life!

Dear friend, the bitter herbs still eaten at Passover help us to remember that Jesus drank the final bitter cup as he hung upon the cross. There are many painful and “bitter” things that you may have seen in this world, or experienced in your life, but they are not meant to stay with you. The blood of Jesus was shed to set you free. Let yourself be baptized afresh in the love of Jesus, and hear Him say to you “It is finished”. It truly is. You don’t have to carry the pain of the past any more or live in fear. Partake of the Lamb, and know that you can eat of everything He died to give you – a life of wholeness in body, spirit and soul. Eat of the unleavened bread, and know that it represents the righteousness of God in Christ. He makes you holy as you feed daily upon Him. Just as the lamb was slain, the “old” man has been crucified with Christ and He has resurrected us with Himself, to live this new life in God, in the power of His Holy Spirit, hallelujah!

Apply the blood of Jesus upon yourself today and see God’s powerful promise of protection fulfilled! May the Blood cover you and preserve you from every storm and attack of the enemy. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare the power of the Blood on your home, on your vehicle, upon your family and your marriage, on your body, spirit and soul. Walk in freedom, walk in health because the Passover Lamb was slain for you and then arose for you. His resurrection power and life are available to you!


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