Restoration Of Hope

| Joel 2:25 – 18 September 2019 |

I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten.


“My precious one, this is a season of restoration. I am calling back the things that have been stolen. I am calling back the dreams that are lying dormant in dust covered boxes. In this season, I am releasing new hope into the heart of My Beloved. My sons and daughters are being raised up with a fresh vision, and an awakening of glistening hope. This is a new day with a new revelation of My love and My power. If you put your eyes back on Me, I will fill you with joy and strength, and you will see that there truly is nothing impossible with Me. You were told so many times that you couldn’t do what you wanted to do, and then you began to believe that you couldn’t and you didn’t. I am restoring to you the years that were stolen away, and I release a spirit of acceleration upon your life, that you will achieve everything I created you to. I your Father declare that you can and you will fulfill all your dearest dreams (our dreams). I dream dreams for you too, and I am raising you up to be all that you were born to be. If you believe these words from Me, then nothing can stop you stepping in. You will make up for lost time, and there will be no lack of anything you have wanted and sought to be. It is going to be extra special, and filled with peace. You are stepping into your destiny.”

Dear friend, faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews 11:1) but many of us have lost our faith because we have stopped hoping. In this season, Abba is releasing new hope into our hearts and calling us higher, to set our eyes on the things of Heaven. Faith is arising in the hearts that are His, and this is setting us up for a divine transformation! It is the substance, the foundation of everything God will build our lives upon, in this new season He is calling us into. There is a spirit of acceleration being released into your life today, as you step into a new season of open doors. There are supernatural connections God is bringing you into, and His favor coming upon the things you are doing. There are fresh ideas, creative solutions, inventions and designs being downloaded into hearts and minds, with an increase of dreams and visions to receive these. It could be that your business has been struggling, or that you felt some part of your life was not really going anywhere, but mighty things are about to start happening. Expect the best! God is on the move and things in your life are changing as you say “yes” to Jesus and believe His good intentions towards you. You are moving into your new season, a season of restoration, a season of the open door! He is making things easy. He is anointing the gifting on your life, and causing it to flourish and thrive. He is calling you into a total commitment to newness, to holiness and truth. He is seeking your agreement to restoration. This means that while the Holy Spirit opens up doors that we are meant to walk through, He also closes those doors that might have lead to deception, fruitlessness, or failure, those paths that took us away from the place He was calling us to. There are people plodding through life doing something they dislike simply because they think God called them to do it, but the very fact that they dislike what they do or (where they are) is a “closed door” from the Lord. There will be such an ease and a natural love for your calling that you are going to hear yourself say “I really love what I do”! There is more in store than you ever thought of before, an abundance of divine direction and downloads from heaven to help you along your way. This is all a part of this new season of restoration and God is bringing it forth with ease!

The Scripture referred to in Joel Chapter 2 talks about the restoration of the things eaten up by all the different kinds of locusts. This is symbolic of all the different enemy activity that took away hope from our hearts, destroyed the joy and the vision, and decimated the crops, the blessing and wealth of the people of God. On the contrary, God says through the prophet that His restoration would bring a glorious and measurable abundance. He says “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God who has dealt wondrously with you. And My people shall never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel. I am the Lord your God and there is no other. My people shall never be put to shame.” This is the Word from the Lord! All glory and honor to the name of Jesus, hallelujah!


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Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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