The Way Maker

| Isaiah 43:19 – 17 September 2018 |

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.


This is a season of breaking through, of reaping, of harvesting fruit! God is assuring His kids that something special is about to manifest. It is springing forth out of the heavenly realm miraculously, and beyond our every expectation. God is on the move! There is a new thing taking shape in front of our very eyes, and Abba God is inviting us to look for it, to ‘behold’ it! Why? Because unless we look, we will not see it. He is inviting us to see with the eyes of our hearts, to look with the eyes of faith and anticipation, and to watch it manifested from the invisible realm. When can we see this miraculous breakthrough? The Holy Spirit calls it forth into the present when He says Now it shall spring forth”. Every miracle exists in the eternal realm until it is called forth and birthed into the physical through faith and a ‘now’ word. It could happen any time, but when we declare it is “now”, it begins to manifest, it gets locked down and sealed into the present.

There are many promises and words of prophecy you may have received from the Lord in the recent past, and these are all real and alive in the invisible realm, but how do you see these words fulfilled? Behold it! Begin to envision what God has told you He will bring to pass. This is going to be so new that we cannot really know exactly what it will look like, but we can open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, and ask Him to show us. We read in verse 18: “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old” because we cannot fill our vision with the new and glorious thing while still focusing on the old thing that has passed its season. We cannot get very far if we keep looking backwards, but if we look up into the eyes of Jesus and we say “precious Holy Spirit, fill my heart with the new thing springing forth”, you will see it taking shape. You will see the unfolding of the Father’s amazing plans, His Words fulfilled in a wonderful way.

Jesus is the Way Maker! He has made a way where there was no way. He went before us, breaking every barrier that stood between us and the Father’s throne. As His body was torn apart, and His blood flowed out, He gave us access to the heavenly realms, He made it possible for us to become sons and to know our Father’s love. The veil was torn, and we walk through His broken body to enter in. “Therefore brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is His flesh.” ( Hebrews 10:19-20). Jesus made a way through the wilderness. He opened up a way where there was no way! There is a miracle just about to happen in your life because He has made a way. He is causing the miraculous to break forth, rivers to flow in the driest of desert places, an abundance begin to manifest where there was lack. We are in covenant with Jesus, we are His redeemed Bride. Our breakthrough comes through the Blood that flowed from His side. No good thing will He withhold from us, so we are breaking through. We are stepping into our promise, the supernatural breakthrough. He is the miracle Worker and the Way Maker. Glory be to the name of Jesus!

Dear friend, receive the ministry of the blessed Holy Spirit as you read this Word today. He is breaking the lie of limitation off your life, and every negative expectation. He is breaking the cycle of disappointment and failure. He is releasing you into the spirit of Truth and Revelation, and opening your eyes to see the awesomeness of God’s love for you, and what He has prepared for you. You may have been focusing on the desert and the wilderness, and the weariness, dryness and difficulty of it. Now begin to see the springs and rivers bubbling forth from the depths of the earth. The landscape is changing. That arid desert land is becoming a verdant valley. There are flowers beginning to bloom all over it. There are trees laden with an abundance of fruit, and their leaves are for the healing of the nations. Your victory is going to be a blessing to many others too. The spirit of lack is broken as God opens a way where there was no way. He is opening doors that no man could have opened. He is transforming the hard, cracked earth into a beautiful garden filled with life and light. Expect the transformation, expect the breakthrough. God is coming through for you. Hallelujah, He is making a way!


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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

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Coffee and tea will be available.