There’s A New You!

| Revelations 21:505 November 2018 |

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.


I looked out of my window this morning and realized that the season had shifted. The trees around our home and in the neighborhood were ablaze with hues of red, bronze, orange and mustard yellow, while a similar carpet covered the ground. Everything looked completely differently, totally new, and I felt the voice of the Spirit saying “I am making all things new”. God is shifting, and sifting things around. He is transitioning us to higher ground!

These words from Revelations 21 were a result of the Apostle John’s encounters with Jesus during his heavenly visitations. Let these words now speak into your life and specific situation today with the same powerful, life giving revelation of truth! God is calling us into the “new”. Yesterday is over but this new day is filled with unlimited potential and possibility. You are filled with creative power, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Power of God’s Word! He says in His Word “It is done”. There is no more discussion necessary! Jesus already died on that rugged cross, and we died with Him (Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”) As He hung on the cross, He said “It is finished” because it really was. Everything that needed to be done was done. Every price that had to be paid was paid, hallelujah! You and I live in the endless heavenly possibilities of eternity. We have the glorious Spirit of Jesus living in us. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last and everything in between. He (the Word) is “true and faithful” and His words never return “void” (Isaiah 55:11). It truly is “done”!

Dear friend, the moment you gave your life to Jesus, you became His new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17) old things ceased to be, they “passed away”. All things became new! The reason why many of us are not experiencing this new reality is that they may have not fully stepped out of the “old”, but there is a definite shift happening right now, even as you read these words. The Holy Spirit is opening your eyes to see the power of who you are in Christ, not the old person, struggling within, but the new creature in Christ for whom He already overcame everything. You are squeaky clean and shiny and new! The transition begins when you see the Truth and it sets you free. Open your heart and your life today, and drink freely of the living waters of the Word. Drink as much as you want of the sweet River of the Holy Spirit. There is no limit to how filled you can be. He is not rationing the fullness of His love. You have come to the crystal fountain which is sourced from above. It just keeps flowing out with an unstoppable momentum and power, and you can have as much as you need!There is a transition taking place in your life. There is a shifting and a shaking, which is taking you to higher ground, but will you let Jesus be established on the throne of your heart? Will you allow Him to take the highest place? Will you let Him rule and reign within? There are great victories you are going to see, and breakthrough in many things you have been waiting for when you welcome the Lordship of Jesus, and lay your life down before His throne. He is waiting to make your heart His home! He is omnipotent, almighty El Shaddai for whom nothing is impossible. He chose you and marked you to be His before the creation of the world. He is with you and has great plans and purposes for your life, as He says to you “I am making all things new”! Not “some things”, and not “I may”. He is indeed making all things new, and you will truly see it begin to manifest as you believe His words as true and faithful and expect the total transformation only He can give. Isaiah 43:18 & 19 tell us ” Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it?” You are new, and God is filling your life with His “new”!! Be blessed, and step into your new season expecting the best. Jesus is upon the throne, and He is making all things new!


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Friday, May 5, 2023 | 7:30pm

Worship night!

Can you ever actually get too much worship in? Let’s gather and pour our adoration out on Jesus!

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Roundtable Chat about the Word

Friday, March 17th | 7:30pm

We will be discussing what it means to “take up our cross and follow” our Lord Jesus Christ. Please do come and enjoy a beautiful dive into the Word where everyone has an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Feel free to bring a friend, and whatever version of the Bible you are reading.

Coffee and tea will be available.