Divine Restoration (Luke 19:10)

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.” 

This verse is a part of a beautiful account of how Zacchaeus was seen and known by Jesus, and how Jesus called to this tax collector perched on the branch of a tree, and invited Himself to be Zacchaeus’ guest. We understand that Zacchaeus was a small man, and that he climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus as He passed through the crowd. It may seem as though Jesus just randomly went that way and randomly looked up and saw Zacchaeus; but I believe that Jesus went by that tree with purpose and intention. He wanted to meet Zacchaeus. He wanted to bring Him to an experience of love and forgiveness and restoration.

I do believe that the Holy Spirit wants each of us to be reminded of the fact that God is fully intentional about His connection to/with each of us. None of us ended up in relationship with God by chance; there is purpose and intention with which Jesus woos His Bride; there is a plan and a season of preparation during which our hearts were prepared and opened to His love. When Zacchaeus encountered Jesus, there was no turning back – His heart was completely given – and he promised to make reparation towards every person he had extorted money from, during his time of service as a Roman tax collector.

While it is true for us all that Jesus comes to each of us with purpose and intention, and frees and restores us to live for Him, today I present this Scripture to you in the context of God restoring what has been lost in the past. We have all borne losses in terms of finances, time, friendships, loved ones, health, opportunities etc. The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost!

Zacchaeus yielded his heart and desired fervently to be changed and to make amends for all the unfair and unkind things he had done. What was happening was that God (through Zacchaeus) was restoring to many people what they had lost – money and possessions – which had been taken from them by the tax collector/the Roman empire. At the same time, Zacchaeus was restored when he received a heart made clean and new. He received back what he had lost – his innocence, and a life of joy and peace, in which he wanted to please Jesus and manifest His heart. He chose to make reparation to the people he had hurt and exploited, and to put right what he had done wrong. Jesus came to seek him and save him because he was so far from the truth, and so lost from the path he was meant to be. When Jesus steps into the story, it is possible for everyone to win!

So what have you lost, friend? What do you need restored to you by our King and our Lord, Jesus Christ? You may be reading this and thinking “this is for me”! Yes, it is time to call back what was stolen, what was taken away. How does this happen? By yielding your heart and getting on board with Jesus to do it His way. Zacchaeus didn’t hesitate to accept Jesus’ invitation. Jesus came to him and met him where he was, and once he met Jesus and heard Him speak, he didn’t continue to sit in the sycamore tree; he jumped out of his high place, and literally stepped out of his old life, his old thinking, even his old job as a tax collector for the Roman empire. He gave his “all” to Jesus.

Jesus is coming to you today in the form of this message and He is meeting you where you are. What is the need you are facing today? What have you lost that needs to be called back? It is true that some things/people/situations can never be replaced, but perhaps the effects of those losses on your life can be mitigated or wiped away because Heaven is in the business of restoration. Jump out of your sycamore tree today, where you were watching from a distance to see how things would pan out. Step out of your hiding place and dive right into this new season. Jesus came to seek and save what you lost. His eyes are on you today, and His arms are outstretched! This is your season. This is your day!

“Lord Jesus, I am ready for my restoration and only You can do this in my life. I trust You and I invite You to bring back everything I lost. Let even the years that were lost be restored to me according to your Word in Joel 2:25-26. Holy Spirit, I give you full access into every part of my life. Have Your way, Amen!” 

I see realms of abundance opening up for many people. Lost inheritances are being restored; someone’s art or other creative work which was stolen is coming back to you. Health, peace, family harmony, time that was lost, even property – all being restored. As you open your mind to the possibilities, and accept that Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, you step into a different realm, where restoration is normal and accessible, and where all things are possible to them that believe!

Minoli Haththotuwa, 25 March 2024


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