Shifting Seasons (Revelations 21:5)

“Then He who sat on the throne said: “Behold I make all things new.”

Everything God has created is in Him, and filled with His zoe life. (Colossians 1:16) Seasons are all a part of our colorful walk within His love, and they are not bad or good; they are just different equally valuable seasons. The book of Ecclesiastes talks about a time for birth, a time for death, a time to rejoice, a time to mourn, as well as many more. What God shows us is that there are seasons in our lives and necessary situations which occur during these seasons, which take us into the next phase of our walk with God. These situations may even be challenges we face, but they truly upgrade us and propel us into the next level. The way we see these situations can help us or hinder us; it can empower us or immobilize and stunt us.

What if we saw life as our personal school of the Holy Spirit? What if we saw every problem as an opportunity to grow and go beyond? What if we allowed the Spirit to lead and guide us through difficulties, and to guide us onto a higher path, all the while knowing that this specific situation is only for a finite time and that we are walking towards a different season? Just like Winter gives way to Spring and Spring gives way to Summer, the seasons in your personal life are not meant to be forever; they are a part of the ebb and flow, the blend of heaven and earth, the tide of the Spirit moving in and through your life, carrying you into the next season. The Word of God tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: “there’s a time for everything, a time to be born, a time to die.” And there is!

Death is not an end; it is the beginning of a new life, a part of our eternal spiritual state. When we see a woman in labor, she is suffering, but her pain is a part of the process; it brings forth the birthing and the new – a new baby and a new mom, a completely new season. I am learning that death has a place in life; it ushers in the new. It opens the way for another generation to arise; it brings forth an inheritance (Galatians 4:1-4). Even the trees and leaves in the forest have to die and become a part of the earth, and the life that was theirs now nourishes and feeds the earth from which young plants can feed and grow.

Jesus said “Unless a seed falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24). He demonstrates this for us in His own laid down life. The sinless life blood that fell to the earth has been the cleansing, healing, redemption, deliverance, and restoration of millions of countless people through the ages. Jesus’ season on the earth was completely fulfilled when He died, and His death was a necessary doorway into the power of His resurrection!

Where are you right now, friend, and what is currently happening in your life? Could it be that the challenges you are experiencing are only for this season, and that God is setting you up for an upgrade, and for greater things? Perhaps there are things which are meant to die in this season – certain specific habits, attitudes, infirmities, relationships? Perhaps the death of some things in your life will cause the birthing of something new. Maybe there are things the Holy Spirit has been showing you and speaking to you about, inviting you to die to those things and disconnect them from your mind, your heart, your life. Could it be that keeping these things alive in your life is keeping you stuck in this season when God has already opened the way for your upgrade?

Death and life are a part of the same package, a part of the same heavenly order. Most things have to come to an end, so that something else can be. Even the most exciting book has a last page, and all movies finally come to “the end”! Just know that Jesus opened the way to an upward path, and He has gifted you with all the fire power you need to overcome and glide into the next level. The Holy Spirit gives you the enabling to discern your seasons and to flow with God’s plan and purpose. Let the seed fall to the ground and die. Yield to what God is doing in and through you. Let everything die that has to, and see life and power and newness flowing out of you!

“Precious Holy Spirit, I yield to you. Show me what I need to do in this season of my life. Let everything that’s meant to die, just fall away and die; and let me be born again afresh today. Let new life pour forth from everything I let go of. I am ready to grow. I am ready to go. I am ready for the shiny, brand new, and for more! In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

Let old things die and make way for the new. This is the new season God has for you!

Here’s what 2 Corinthians 5:17 says: “If any man be in Christ He is a new creation. The Old has gone, the new has come”!  It is the death of the old that brings the brand new you!

Minoli Haththotuwa, August 29, 2023


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