Turbulence Tension (Genesis 1:1)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (NKJV)

It could be that you have been going through some turbulence in your life, where things feel uncertain, and where you may not have a clear picture of the immediate future. I have news for you: Things are just about to change. It’s going to be a new beginning!

Picture the scenario in Genesis 1, when the earth was “without form”. I believe there was atmosphere, movement, mingling gases and reactions between them. There were frothing, shifting, bubbling waters; there was complete formlessness, even confusion; but the Holy Spirit was “hovering” over the surface, the “face” of the deep. Everything was in a state of flux, and it was an eternal moment of purest potential! It is out of all this “nothingness” that the whole universe came to be.

We are so accustomed to having clear plans that “formlessness” feels very uncomfortable. Waiting for something and not knowing how it will take shape feels like a scary prospect. In that present moment, it feels like an uncertain season will never end; but the Father is waiting for us to see the potential before us. Creation is waiting for the sons of God to arise and direct the process with God the Holy Spirit (Romans 8.19). The Holy Spirit hovers over the formlessness waiting for our partnership with Him, inviting us to take ownership of our lives, of our past, present and our future. There is shape and form, possibilities and opportunities just bubbling beneath the surface of that void, and if we can see what can come forth from that formless mess, there will be light manifesting from the night.

The turbulence we see causes stress, but it is a very necessary tension which Holy Spirit can come upon and create. It is a tension that stretches us and pushes us into the new thing, breaking us through a barrier to that higher level. The end of the “old” is opening up a new possibility, bringing about a new beginning. It may feel dark and dreary, and you may be extremely weary, but you are on the brink of your transformation. It is the ushering out of the “old” and the ushering in of the new season, and the Spirit of the Lord is hovering over the surface of the deep. He is waiting to step in with you and make it all new.

Don’t be afraid of change, friend. Stop holding on to the way things used to be. The “old” has gone, or is passing away. In this hiatus, this void, this formless phase, there is a creative power of God being released, where you will begin to see the glorious God ordained potential before you and start to call it forth, bringing shape and form out of the nothingness. If we want to see real and powerful transformation manifesting in our lives, we have to see that we are recipients of an “ever proceeding Word” (Matthew 4:4) and that the world, our lives, our calling are all subject to it. Things are meant to morph, to evolve and change. The old has to give way to the new.

When we take ownership of this season, and ownership of the process, Holy Spirit is standing by to empower and enable us, and to bring forth the fullness of the “new”. It will begin to unfold when we begin to choose. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created…” This is the time to create with God. This is a season of new beginnings. It is a time when potential becomes particle, and formlessness is converted to glorious form. God is in this with us!

“Mighty Holy Spirit, we yield to you. Here we are before you, awaiting your breath upon us to bring form out of formlessness. Move upon the churning waters of our hearts. Transform and recreate us. We call forth the new person, the new relationship, the new abundant situation, and we choose to work and create with you. Let the tension in this turbulence be taken and used to bring in the NEW!”

Minoli Haththotuwa, 28 September 2023


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